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6 months later

Louis had been in a funky mood since that day Harry showed up on his doorstep and sang a love serenade for him. He was confused. He was getting married soon and Ben was a great guy but...
It was crazy! He had seen Harry like four times over the last seven years! Still, he couldn't stop thinking of him. He was marrying Ben. He had to stop this!

They had decided to move in together before the wedding and he was going through his things, throwing away the stuff he didn't want, so he would fit in Ben's house. He opened a drawer he never looked in since it was filled with old junk. It was one of those drawers where you threw stuff you didn't know where to put. He emptied it on the bed and started to sort through it when he saw a film roll. It took a minute before it clicked and he grabbed it and ran over to his darkroom to develop the pictures.

He gasped and his smile grew wider and wider when he saw the photos form. It was the film roll they took the first time he met Harry in Dublin. When he saw the first photos on the roll he grabbed the phone and called Liam and asked him to come over right away.

He gave him the photos as soon as Liam arrived and they sat down by the kitchen table.
"This is a phase that I am glad you grew out of. I don't even recognize you. Ugh! That jumper. Oh, those are great shoes. Do you still have those?" Liam smiled as he went through the photos.

"Not the shoes." Louis said.

"Well, what am I looking for here? The guy?" Liam questioned sounding confused.

"No, not the guy. The photos. They're from before we met." Louis said frustrated.

"Before you and who met?" Liam wondered and looked at him, still confused.

"Me and Harry." Louis explained.

"What are you talking about?" Liam asked.

"He took them before I even saw him. So he did make the first move. Kind of." Louis explained and bit his lower lip.

"Oh, Louis. It doesn't matter. I'll help you move tomorrow, okay? I have to get going. Michael needs a new suit so we're going shopping." Liam smiled.

"Alright." Louis sighed.

Liam dragged his husband to the store and watched him try on different suits when a familiar voice caught his attention. He hid behind a rack and peeked. It was Harry, trying on a suit. Liam overheard the conversation between Harry and the sales clerk.
"Are we done now?" Harry asked.

"Hold on. No one wants to see your pants fall down during I do." The sells clerk said.

Liam gasped. Oh no!

Louis snuck out to light a cigarette later that night but Ben saw him.
"I thought you quit smoking?"

"I did." Louis said and took another drag of the cigarette.

Ben came and sat down next to him.
"What's going on, Louis?"

Louis hesitated but he knew that he couldn't marry Ben. They had a long talk about it and then Ben left. Louis didn't get any sleep that night.

He tried to call Harry the next morning but his phone was off. He was desperate so he called Harry's mum's house but no one answered there either. Liam came to see him.
"So is everything packed?"

"I'm not moving." Louis said.

"What's going on?" Liam questioned worriedly.

"Ben and I broke up." Louis replied.

"Honey, are you okay? Why didn't you call me?" Liam asked and hugged him.

"I had to do this." Louis said, sounding absolutely sure.

"Okay. We are gonna sit down and we are going to take a deep breath. It's gonna be fine. It is so natural to be nervous before you get married. Do you remember me? Don't worry, Ben is gonna understand. You just need to talk to him. Just set a time to meet. Tell him you need a day or two to think things over." Liam said reassuringly and pushed him down on the sofa.

"I need to call Harry. I have to talk to him. I have to tell him I'm not getting married." Louis stressed.

"Stop. Give me the phone.  I saw him." Liam said and pried the phone out of his hand.

"Saw who?" Louis questioned.

"Harry. He's getting married, Louis." Liam sighed.

Louis' face dropped.

"Soon I guess. He was getting a suit." Liam answered cautiously.

Louis stared at him blankly for a moment before he grabbed his computer and typed in Harry's mum's number to get an address.
"What are you gonna say?" Liam wondered.

"I'm gonna say I broke it off with Ben. I'm just gonna tell the truth." Louis stressed.

"Alright." Liam said.

Louis got in the car and started to drive to Holmes Chapel. He was such a moron.

He found the house a couple of hours later and knocked on the door who was wide open. No one came to greet him so he stepped inside and shouted a "hello?"

He heard voices and followed the sound to the kitchen. He gasped when he realized that he had stepped right into a wedding to happen, and then he saw him. Harry. Looking absolutely gorgeous in a suit up in the front. It was Harry's wedding day. He couldn't be here! He panicked and turned around to get out of there as quickly as possible but he smacked right into a glass door and fell to the floor. People came running.
"Louis?" A very familiar voice sounded and Harry leaned over him. "Oh, my God. Are you okay?"

Louis' head was pounding. Harry helped him up.
"What are you doing here?"

"I'm so sorry. I have to go." Louis panicked and ran out of the house. 

He reached his car when Harry caught up with him.

Louis turned around with teary eyes.
"It's too late. I'm too late..."

Harry took a step forward and smashed their lips together, kissing him hungrily, pressing him up against the car.
"Harry!" Someone shouted behind them.

Louis looked over. A girl in a wedding dress looked pissed.
"What's going on?" She asked.

Louis was so confused. He looked at Harry who smiled.  
"You're not too late. I'm not getting married. My sister is."

Louis started to cry and kissed him. He broke free and opened his mouth to talk.
"Don't. You'll ruin it." Harry smiled.

Louis kissed him again.

The End

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