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They stopped at a gas station and Louis filled up the car while Harry bought them something to eat. He returned with his arms filled with snacks. It was starting to get dark outside but they kept driving. Louis ate an apple pie. He looked at Harry and opened his mouth, showing him the half-eaten food.
"Do you want some pie?"

Harry opened his mouth to show the content.
"Do you want some cheese doodles?"

Louis burst out laughing, almost choking on the pie. Harry laughed with him and then he glanced out the side window.
"Look at the moon."

"Mhm." Louis hummed while he looked at the dark sky.

"Let's pull over." Harry suggested.

Louis found a road to the left and got off the main road. He parked on a field. They lay on the hood of the car to look at the moon and shared a bottle of wine.
"Did you love him?" Harry asked.

"My ex? No. Maybe a little. Do you love Peter?" Louis replied and took a swing at the bottle before he handed it over.

Yeah, I guess so." Harry shrugged.

"Well, do you or don't you?" Louis questioned while they shared the bottle of wine between them.

Harry thought about it.
"I thought I did. Well, if it wasn't love, it was a lot like it. Okay, now I don't know. Sounds stupid when I say it out loud."

"Honestly, if you're not willing to sound stupid, you don't deserve to be in love." Louis stated.

Harry chuckled and shrugged his shoulders again. He sat up.
"What was that?"

Louis sat up too.

Harry looked around.

Louis looked to his left.
"I didn't hear anything."

Harry grabbed him to scare him. Louis jumped.
"Fuck!" He pushed Harry who fell off the car.

"Shit! Are you okay? Harry, are you all right?" Louis asked and looked over the edge of the car.

Harry grabbed his arm and pulled him down. Louis yelped and landed on top of Harry. They both laughed.
"I have an idea."

He got up and told Harry about his plan while he started to strip out of his clothes. Harry shook his head in amusement but agreed and began to undress. Louis put the camera on the hood of the car and set it. He pointed at a rock in front of them. They hurried over, covering their crotches.
"I"m freezing." Harry hissed.

"Okay, the shutter is gonna stay open for 40 seconds." Louis said while they got up.

"Okay." Harry said and wrapped his arms around Louis, pressing their bodies together.

"Stand still. Hey, don't look!" Louis laughed.

"I didn't." Harry protested.

Louis glanced between them.
"I did."

Harry laughed.
"You have to be still." Louis reminded him.

"Sorry." Harry mumbled. Their faces were inched apart.

They just stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Harry leaned down and captured Louis' lips. They didn't notice when the picture was taken.

They laid down in the back of the station wagon. It was a small space but they made it work, too consumed in the feeling of each other's naked bodies pressed together and their tongues meeting. Harry explored Louis' body with his hand and mouth, mostly hands because he couldn't get enough of Louis' kisses.

They were both trembling when they needed to come up for air and Louis took the opportunity to find lube and a condom in his bag and handed it over. Harry chuckled lightly before he kissed him again, while he drizzled lube on his fingers. He rubbed them together to warm the lube before he reached down and circles one digit around Louis' rim. Louis whined impatiently so Harry pushed a finger inside earning him a long moan. He opened him up quickly and rolled on the condom before he got on top and pushed inside. They were both too worked up to take it slow, but Harry at least had the common sense to let Louis adjust before he pulled out and pushed inside again. They kissed sloppily while Harry fucked in and out of Louis, who scratched Harry's back in pleasure. Harry changed the angle and hit Louis' prostate with the next thrust, his moans muffled by Harry's mouth on his. A couple of minutes later they both climaxed and Harry fucked them through their highs. He kissed Louis lazily while they tried to catch their breaths.

He pulled out and got rid of the condom before he laid beside Louis and wrapped his arms around him. He kissed the top of his head.
"That was perfect."

"Yeah." Louis agreed and yawned. He grabbed a blanket and pulled it over them. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

They woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the window. Louis pried one eye open and saw a policeman.
"Can I talk to you out here for a second?"

They wrapped blankets around their bodies and stepped outside. They realized that they were market at a rest stop, something they hadn't noticed last night in the dark. People were staring at them.
"Why don't you get back in your clothes, back in your car, and back on the highway." The policeman said.

They nodded their heads, got dressed, and gathered their things before they drove off. It was quiet between them. Harry tried to spark a conversation.
"So anyway, I have this big meeting in Dublin tomorrow. A presentation. We need investors to be able to get our business running."

"It sounds exciting." Louis said a little absent-mindedly.

They didn't say that much more while Harry drove them back to Louis' place. They got out of the car. Harry had called for a cab to the airport.
"Well, you got my number." Harry said.

"And you got mine." Louis replied.

They stopped outside Louis' building.
"Ehm, I still got some...feelings to sort through." Harry said.

"Peter?" Louis asked.

"Yeah. I didn't forget. It's Peter. I...it's..." Harry stuttered.

"It's okay." Louis smiled.

"Really?" Harry had to make sure.

"Yeah. I kind of met someone." Louis said.

"You met someone?" Harry questioned.

"We've only been on one date so far but yeah..." Louis said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm confused. It's not the writer?" Harry questioned.

"No, it's a new guy." Louis smiled.

"A different guy." Louis confirmed and when Harry just stared at him he added "what?"

"I don't... You know, it's..." Harry had a hard time expressing himself.

The cab driver honked the horn. Louis hugged him and Harry closed his eyes and hugged him back. When Louis let go he opened his mouth to say something.
"Don't. You'll ruin it." Louis smiled.

Harry sighed but he got in the cab and put his tongue out for Louis as the cab drove off.

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