Sun x Shy!Female!Reader x Moon

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Y/N rushed through the doors of the Mall, she was supposed to be on animatronic repair duty but was running late due to a power outage at her house and all of her electronics cut off, including her alarm. Y/N dashed as fast as she could to the repair room, just to find Vanessa there, repairing Chica's voice box with a rude grimace on her face.

"I-Im so sorry Im late V-" Y/N panted out of breath, but was rudely cut off by Vanessa.

"Oh, Shut it! You promised you were gunna show up on time for once! You always do this!" Vanessa grumbled loudly as she connected the wires of chicas innards.

"Im...Im sorry, The power cut off at my house and My alarm didnt go off!" Y/N desperately tried to explain.

"Oh Excuses Excuses, Im suprised you even still have a job after the pathetic preformance you did on repairing Monty the other day!" Vanessa took a short few seconds to breathe, She was so mad she could've accidentally broken the voicebox, or worse.

"Im...Im sorry Vanessa, I tried my best.." Y/N got very quiet with her tone, tears pricking her eyes.

"If you were really sorry you wouldn't keep fucking up, now would you!?" Vanessa finally turned around to face Y/N, fire in her summer feild green eyes.

"....I-" Y/N tried desperately to explain herself.

"Just go!! You're needed elsewhere at the daycare! The power keeps cutting on and off at random, alot like how it CONVENIENTLY cut off at your house, so you say!" Vanessa's voice was loud and accusatory.

"I-It did! Im not lying, Vanessa!" Y/Ns warm tears trickled down her cheeks.

"GO TO THE FUCKING DAYCARE, AND FIX THE DAMN POWER, CAN YOU TRY NOT TO FUCK THAT UP TOO!?" Vanessa screamed, having grown tired of Y/Ns incompetence and lightly shoved her, as if to tell her to shoo.

"IM TRYING, VANESSA!" Y/N was was upset too, but it showed through tears, instead of a menacing expressing like Vanessa. Y/N quickly stormed out of the repair room.

"Woah...Harshness...." Chica spoke in a almost perfectly clear tone, her voicebox still needed a bit more fixing. "Shut up, Robot." Vanessa adjusted her wires more.

Y/N had tears of pure rage and fire in her eyes, but that rage wasnt only aimed at Vanessa, it was equally aimed at herself. "Cant she fucking tell that Im trying?..." Y/N burst through the doors of the daycare, the doors making a loud bang as they hit the wall.

This loud noise clearly alerted the happy go lucky animatronic with a sun for a head, as he did a backflip off a play structure and landed to the colorful floor below gracefully. Y/N had harshly opened the power generator, shaking with rage, stress, and sadness. "Oh no! You dont look happy at all, Y/N!" Sun stood tall on the counter near the power generator. "Im not!" Y/N huffed. "Go ahead, tell me what Vanessa did now." Sun had laid down on the counter, he knew that Vanessa and Y/N had a horrible relationship, and was always the first person Y/N could open up too.

"Well, there was a power outage at my house last night and All my gadgets werent working, and since my phone was dead I didnt get an alarm and-" Y/N ranted on and on about how horrible her day had been and how Vanessa had only made it worse. Y/N however wasnt paying any attention to the generator she was repairing and accidentally cut off the power to the room.

The lights shut off, consuming the room in an eerie darkness.

"Uhm- UHM- Y/N, THE LIGHTS! LIGHTS ON PLEASE!? PRETTY PLEASE!? PRETTY PLEASE WITH CHERRIES ON TOP?" Sun frantically begged. "Im working as fast as I can, Sun!" Y/N however was too late, As sun had already fell off the side of the counter with a loud thud. "Sun!?" Y/N turned back to see him gone, but instead...long white fingers with indigo accents latched onto the side of counter, climbing back up to reveal...moon.

This was the moon creature Y/N had heard so much about.

He didnt look as scary as everyone made him out to be.

"Oh no....Poor little girl..." Moon spoke in a corrupted and raspy tone.


Y/N was frozen in fear, her whole body trembling. She slowly stepped back to the wall, but the Moon creature kept coming closer and closer. "Do not fear me...I only punish those who've been naughty.." Moon wiped her tears off her face with his cold metallic fingers.

"Now...Tell me you're name." Moon stared with glowing red eyes, examining Y/N, The nightguard uniform let him know she was staff, but He wanted to comfort her anyways.

"Y-Y/N....Y/N L/N, I work here.." She spoke in a soft and unthreatening tone. "Why are you crying, Y/N?" Moon wanted to seem caring and considering, but his eerie smile and dark demeanor says otherwise. "Its Vanessa...She yelled at me again for something I couldnt control now matter how hard I tried, and she knows I try but she just says its not good enough.." Y/N started to cry again, just for the robot to wipe her tears. "Now now...dont cry...dont let Vanessa get the best of you..." Moon smiled, before gently grabbing Y/Ns hand and leading them to the Kitchen.

"Eh? What are we here for?" Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Ive learned that a good way to help people calm down, is by letting them eat their feelings." Moon searched through the kitchen as he grabbed ingredients to bake a pizza. "Need some help?" Y/N got up out of their seat. "The more the merrier as they say!" Moon smiled as he turned the dial on the oven, to preheat it.

The two had lots of fun, playing eith the dough and flour, spreading the sauce, etc. Y/N had finally cracked a smile and seemed to forget all about Vanessa yelling at her. Moon was glad he finally got to see that joyous smile.

"Here, I cannot eat the way Chica can." Moon held a slice of pizza to Y/Ns lips. Y/N was taken aback by this yet ate the pizza slice. Moon sighed of relief, he had successfully brighten her mood regardless of Vanessa's cruel words. "It tastes pretty good!" Y/N smiled and highfived the room.

Y/N and Moon soon got into a deep conversation, about some insane rumors about the pizza place, like how monty was actually an alien, Roxanne was the big bad wolf from the 3 little pigs, or the craziest rumor of all, How 5 kids were murdered by a man in a spring bonnie costume back in the day and were stuffed into the animatronic suits, soon possessing them.

Moon had walked back to the daycare with Y/N, smiling as he and Y/N continued their conversation.

Once back in the daycare, Moon had suggested that Y/N draw a picture, so thats exactly what the both of them did, they laid on their stomachs and drew pictures, Y/N seemed to love watching the metallic shimmer of the pencil markings grow the more they sketched. "I normally dont allow food or drink in the daycare, But for you Ill make an acception." Moon sat a faz drink next to them, Y/N thanked him gratefully, somewhere down the line, Y/N had fell sleep on the floor of the daycare, it was suprisingly nice for sleeping on the floor.

"SLEEPING ON THE JOB!? REALLY Y/N!?" Vanessa shouted, waking Y/N up, dazed and confused.

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