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???:"Penance left unpaid, before thee manifest, and empty lies the grave, for he who never rest, tempering his blade, we kneel at his be-heast, as the sky grows ever sullen, with a culling are we blessed"

A female voice sings, somewhere in the distance. A throne is seen with Y/n sitting atop it. Next to him are some people, two girls with purple skin and two people in golden armor, one of them standing much higher than the others.

Y/n: "I have taken a particular interest in this new world... What was it's name again Uriel?"

One of the people in golden armor, specifically the smaller one, spoke up, her voice echoing through the chamber.

Uriel: "Remnant, your Highness"

Y/n: "Remnant, what an interesting name. No matter, we shall go and see what this new world beholds. As I see it now, the inhabitants should be more.... Cultured... By the time we arrive."

The larger one in golden armor spoke up, his deep voice sounding throughout the chamber.

???: "How many shall we take with us Y/n?"

Y/n: "All of them, Adrien. I wish to let the men loose after being bound up for so long"

Adrien: "yes, your highness. Do you want to bring the Fallen and Hounds as well?"

Y/n: "Yes, speaking of which, Lilith, how are my pets doing?"

A woman with purple skin and a strange pair of wings looks towards
Y/n, her voice very powerful.

Lilith: "they are fine m'lord, you should be more concerned for yourself than your pets, they are well cared for"

Y/n: "good to hear Lilith, I see I have chosen the proper person for the position of Beast Master"

As they are speaking, an angel in black armor walks into the room. He carries with him a stone that has a strange language carved into it.

Angel: "The tablet that you requested to be created is ready m'lord"

He said, kneeling before the throne.
Y/n takes the stone and examines it. A purple portal opens next to him and he deposits the tablet inside, sealing the portal afterwards.

Uriel: "I must say, I do not understand the purpose of the tablet, why not just open the portal yourself to enter the dimension?"

Y/n: "we do not want to draw suspicion to ourselves in this new world. It's eventual need for knowledge will let us in on its own. For now, we wait"

Uriel: "thank you for enlightening me your Highness. I shall prepare the men at once"

Y/n: "Sire, you've been awfully quiet during this meeting, anything you wish to input?"

The other purple skinned girl looks towards Y/n, her heart speeding up at the sight of him.

Sire: "no sir, I am in full support of your plan"

Y/n: "good to know I have a friend's support"

Adrien: "hey! You never asked for my support!"

Y/n: "because I knew your answer already Adrien, you answer the same Everytime I ask you"

Adrien does a small pout, something quite unsettling to see a giant doing. It is also something you wouldn't expect of a being which has existed for thousands of years.

On Remnant:

Doctors POV:

I didn't know what they found, just that it was important, and important it was, a tablet with writing in an old language I had never seen before. I attempted to sound out the words

Doctor: "Prodeas, siime unum. Ad obsequium deferes, ego te mortis et vitae rectorem voco"

I had never expected what would come from speaking those words, but as a dark portal opened up and a sword pierced my chest, I knew I had made a mistake. I had brought forth something so vile and violent, I felt the need to throw up using my remaining breath. I looked up at the one who had stabbed me to see a woman, she was beautiful, but she looked on me in disgust.

Uriel: "pitiful mortals. Slaughter them all, no survivors"

I heard her amazing voice, so sweet, like nectar. I heard screams as more golden people came through the portal, all different sizes. I saw one person get pounced on by some large monster. The beast ripped my colleagues head off in it mouth. A massive, grey, winged, beast came through next. It began attacking as well.

I took my final breath, my last sight being a man walking through the portal, he was dressed in all black, and a mask covered his face, a single thought entered my brain before I closed my eyes for good

Doctor: The Ashen One


A/n: new chapter when I feel like writing it, for now I'm trying to decide on whether to make this a harem or not. Probably won't. Still don't know who is going to be the lucky person I pick to make the lover. Oh well. Might not do a lover, we'll see.

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