Chapter 7: Deal Or No Deal?

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Y/n was sitting in the dorm room, cleaning his sword, Chaoseater. He had plans to give it to it's original owner, known as the youngest of the four horsemen, War.

Suddenly, a black portal appeared Infront of him, and a voice spoke through it. The voice of Alucard.

Alucard: Sire, there is someone who wishes to speak with you. She has offered a deal.

Y/n: alright, I'll be over in a minute. Let me write a note.

Alucard: of course sire.

Cinders POV: a few minutes previous

They had just walked walked into this part of emerald forest. Salem had wanted to know why Grimm kept disappearing in this particular area. Following her were her followers and closest friends, Mercury and Emerald.

They had been walking for a while until they came across an opening where they could hear the sounds of fighting. Cinder jumped up into a tree, Emerald and Mercury following suit.

She made her way over to the clearing to see two people in golden armor fighting. Two others were nearby. The most striking thing about these people was not their armor, their weapons, or their strength, but their wings. They were armored at the top and glowed a blue color. She watched in interest as the two fought.

???: I think that's enough you two, wouldn't want to give the blacksmiths a reason to complain.

???: But Morthal, were no where near our pique power, we need the training.

The one who had spoken, Morthal, had black armor and black wings. His eyes glowed a bright blue underneath his helmet. He stood up and walked over to the men, placing a hand on their shoulders.

Morthal: yeah well, I'm hungry, and I think his highness would like to know of our visitors.

Morthal looked straight at Cinder, her eyes widened. When did he figure it out?

Morthal: now, are you going to come out so we can take you to our leader, where he can decide what to do with you, or must we fight?

Mercury jumped at the man. He brought his foot down on the man, who just caught it and proceeded to slam him into the ground. Emerald tried using and illusion on the men, but she gasped when a piercing head ache hit her head.

Cinder leapt into action, throwing fire at the men and kicking anyone who got close. She struck one man, leaving scorch marks on his armor. He glared at her before taking flight and moving in a backwards motion, the others following suit. Cinder thought she had managed to scare them off, but a large shadow covered the ground as a much larger man landed in front of her. His armor was the same but his helmet covered his entire face, and his wings were larger and unarmored, as well as being white.

He stood up, easily dwarfing Cinder. Emerald tried to punch the man in a surprise attack, but her hit didn't even make him budge. He grabbed her by the throat and lifted her off the ground, before throwing her up into the sky, where Morthal caught her. She tried to fight, but was overcome by a wave of weakness.

Cinder charged the man, but he simply brushed off her physical hits, and the flames seemed to mildly annoy him, that is, until she hit his wings. He roared out in pain and anger, moving faster than Cinder could comprehend, he had her off the ground and was holding her by her arm.

She watched as another one of the men grabbed Mercury from the ground, and then took flight. They flew for a few minutes until landing near a cave that held large stone gates. The gates had symbols carved into them. Symbols depicting a man with black wings and a scythe.

Y/n's POV:

Y/n walked through the purple portal and sat down on his throne, he had Alucard on his right, and Lilith on his left. Lilith had a look of anger while Alucard held a sadistic smile. Morthal walked in with three people. One of which he dumped on the ground, she had dark skin and green hair, her eyes were also green.

Y/n: Emerald Sustrai. Interesting name.

Emerald: H-how do you know my name?

Each word seemed to be a struggle.

Y/n: simple dear, I know a great number of things. I have eyes and ears everywhere.

Emerald: I-if so, then w-where is she f-from?

She nodded towards Cinder.

Y/n: Morthal, if you will. The girl must be able to speak properly. I sense they have something to offer that I simply cannot refuse. And to answer your question, Cinder Fall here, is from Mistral.

Y/n looked at the girl, she held a great deal of beauty, but he also knew the pain behind her mind. He knew what she had gone through. Not in detail, but he understood enough.

Y/n: so, do you have something that you could offer to make me consider sparing you? Or must I take it by force?

Cinder: Would you be interested in a meeting with our mistress, Salem?

Y/n smiled, he had what he wanted, a chance to enjoy himself.

Y/n: that sounds delightful, and since I'm feeling a bit generous, you shall be staying here until the meeting. Now, I do not want you to think of us as barbaric, so, Lilith?

Lilith stepped forward.

Lilith: I shall show them to their rooms, it shouldn't take long.

Y/n: and remember Lilith, guests are not toys. You have those, "White Fang" for that.

Lilith smiled at the mention of her playthings.

Lilith: but of course my Lord.

Cinder: the meeting is in two days. I assume you have transport?

Y/n: of course I do, I lead the strongest force this world has ever seen, I obviously have a form a travel. Feel free to explore, but if you try to escape, we will hunt you down. And to demonstrate this...

A door opened to show some hellhounds being held back by a Champion. The girls eyes widened and the noise of the chains woke up Mercury.

Mercury: What the hell?!

Y/n: relax, they aren't going anywhere. Besides, your surrounded by people they know better than to hunt.

Cinder: who are you?

Y/n: well, since you asked nicely, I am Y/n Mortem, or better known as, The God of Death.


A/n: bam, new chapter.

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