Chapter 5: The beginning of something

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(New writing style)

Y/n was walking to his first class of the day, he had no interest in it however. What he needed was to get alone time with the girl. The one who heard them speaking last night. Y/n had an internal debate, either kill her, enslave her, or swear her to secrecy. Enslavement seemed a good option but it was very inhumane. But Y/n didn't actually care. He was more worried about keeping things normal.

He entered the class, the professors name was something like, professor pork? Y/n shook his head, not caring in the least bit.

Behind him were his friends, Sire, Adrien, and Uriel. They all walked with their hands behind their backs, the school uniform was tighter on some. Specifically the girls. Sire and Uriel would get oogle eyes in the hallway, to which they simply gave a disgusted grunt.

They walked into the class and made their way towards the back. As they say down the bell rang, but not before teams JNPR and RWBY bursted through the door. Clearly they had been running.

They took their seats and Y/n watched the girls name, if he recalled right, her name was Blake. He watched her actions throughout the class, he had noticed a few things. One:she had an interesting taste in books. Two: she had cat ears. Three: she had a hint of beauty to her. Not that Y/n gave her any thought, he simply believed she possessed superior Gene's.

Professor Pork: Now, who here thinks they're a true huntsman?

A few hands went up, Y/n's hand included. But this was only because he was stretching.

Professor Pork: Ah! Mister L/n, come down here please.

Y/n sighed as he stood up, he felt a twitch under his coat. He walked down towards the front of the class, where the professor had just revealed a big pig. At least, that's what Y/n thought it was.

Pork released the animal and it instantly charged Y/n, who simply stood there. Once it was close enough, Y/n brought his foot up with lightning fast speed. The kick hit the pig in the head, a crack could be heard throughout the room as the pig fell to the ground, it's neck now broken.

Y/n turned and walked back up to his seat, some students scooting away from this man, who had just killed a boarbatusk with a simple kick. Y/n sat down and leaned back, closing his eyes, and accidentally maybe on purpose falling asleep.

It didn't last long since a bell rang out and woke him up. He stood and walked to the exit. Simply ignoring anyone who talked to him.

Y/n was slightly tired, being a god, you sometimes forget about sleep. He walked to his next class which was a combat class. He walked in with his team, ignoring the lecture and zoning back in at the worst time.

Professor: we still have time for a little one-on-one, any volunteers?

No one raised their hand.

Professor: no one at all?

One girl put her hand up.

Professor: ah, Pyrrha Nikos. Pick you opponent.

She turned to the room, looking at people and examining them. She then pointed towards Y/n's general direction.

Pyrrha: her

Sire stood up from her seat, smiling her wicked smile. Y/n loved this smile, because it was genuine. She walked into the locker room with Pyrrha and a few minutes later Pyrrha came out. She took a position farther away from Y/n.

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