Chapter 1: Grimm did this?

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Ruby's POV:

Ozpin had called us into his office a few hours ago, he told us that we would be heading to a dig site that he had helped fund. The site was apparently looking for old pieces of the world, books, writings, art, even math.

Now we were getting ready for the mission, we just needed to go there and figure out why they have been so quiet lately, most of us could guess that it was Grimm, but I hoped that maybe, just maybe, they had been having trouble with their scroll.

Yang: "Are you okay Ruby? You've been starring off into space for the past few minutes"

Ruby: "huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just a little worried that's all"

Yang: " I'm sure it's just a problem with their scrolls. Maybe they can't get good reception"

Blake walks out of the bathroom, her hair still wet from the shower.


The bullhead dropped us off near the dig site and we walked the rest of the way on foot. As we were walking I noticed a few things.

Ruby: "has anyone else noticed how the birds have been completely silent?"

Blake stops and listens for a moment before turning to the group.

Blake: "she's right, I don't hear any birds"

Weiss: "birds? Have you not noticed the trees?"

Ruby looked around them, inspecting each tree carefully. Some of them had marks in them that appeared to be claw marks, some of them had marks that appeared to be made by a sword, some of them had bullet holes in them.

Ruby: "it looks like a fight went down here, and from the looks of it, there wasn't much of a fight put up"

Ruby felt her heart drop, this confirmed that it was a Grimm attack. She just hoped there were some survivors.

Weiss: "don't forget that we are here to find one specific person"

The Doctor Ozpin had mentioned, had just recently been flown to the dig site, a few hours later and it went dark.

We continued through the forest, fighting becoming more and more evident, when finally, we made it to the clearing that was the dig site.

The scene was horrible, yang covered my eyes and pulled me into a hug but it was too late. There was blood all over, bodies too. I heard someone throwing up to my right, I think it was Blake.

Yang: "oh oum, Grimm did this?"

Yang sounded bewildered. We retreated a ways into the forest and Weiss called Ozpin to give him the news.

Weiss: "the dig site was attacked by Grimm, no sign of the Doctor, Ozpin can you please send a bullhead to get us? I think Ruby might need to get away from here"

Unknown POV:

The girls were certainly interesting, they carried weapons I had never seen before, I suppose it wouldn't be such a bad idea, attacking them just to get a feel for this world's strength. But I know the consequences of doing something without his approval.

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