CH 1

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Jenny's POV

It was around 3pm in the afternoon, a Friday which means my boyfriend Ray would be home anytime now. I've always hated this time of day it makes me nauseous. Let me tell you about my beloved boyfriend.

Ray and i met in the last year of high school. We got to know each other and eventuality became friends. A year after we graduated Ray reached out to me and asked me on a date. I was super excited because Ray was such a nice guy and he was really cute.

After a year or so dating he changed. He started getting possessive towards me. He put a tracker on my phone to see where i was going. He asked about what i was going to do and i was going to be with. Then that eventually turned into hurting me mentally and physically.

Me and Ray have officially been together for about 5 years. I know what you're thinking.. 5 years? leave him right? Can't be that hard? Well it's not that easy. I tried to leave soon after the abuse started because it was all getting too much for me, i couldn't take it anymore. So i packed a bag of just essentials and hid it in my closest. I waited until 3am because i thought he would've been asleep. oh but i was wrong. He fought me just as i was at the door and dragged me back in the house, I think you can guess what happened after. Let just say i woke up in real pain.

Ray has only allowed me to have one friend, Kara. I met her about 2 years into my relationship with Ray and i could not have been happier. Kara knows about Ray, she's even seen the things he would do to me. Kara said i should go to the police and she's go with me but i can't be side Ray threatened my family and Kara. I did t want them to get hurt.

i don't speak to my parents, Ray made me not speak to them because he knew they wouldn't like them. So we moved across the country to make him happy but who needs parents right?

Ray works Monday to Fridays, 10am till 2pm. So this is where the story starts. Waiting for Ray to get home. He can be okay sometimes if he's in a good mood, but if he's not then i'm dreading it.


a/n: HEY this is my first time writing a book lol so idk how this is going to go or how long it's going to last. Finally after 5 months of being in love with drew i thought i'd join in on writing a story ;) Anyway sorry this chapter is kinda boring. i thought i should give a back story on Jenny's life first. idk if i'll be writing in first person (jenny's pov) or 3rd person. but lmk what you think so far!!

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