CH 2

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Jenny was sitting on the couch watching Friends—her favourite sitcom. She kept looking at the clock as it struck 3pm growing more nauseous every second. Nervously tapping her arm on the arm rest of the couch and biting her bottom lip close to drawing blood.

The door opened and Ray came in, oddly calm today. Jenny was nervous because she and Kara were planning on going out tonight with their 'girlfriends'
even though it will only be them.

"Jenny honey! i'm home" Ray said loudly in a happy tone. He walked over to Jenny and kissed her on the head and said "what are you watching?"

"i'm just watching friends uh but i-i was wondering if i could go o-out with Kara and her work friends for a meal and a night out?" Jenny said whist stuttering over her words and nervously fiddling with her bracelet. Rays happy mood slowly went down as she said that.

"uh sure why not go have fun babe." Ray said with now a monotone voice looking slightly pissed off. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge.

Jenny sighed in relief because she really wanted to go. She wanted to meet more people besides the only people she was allowed to speak to was Kara and Ray. She doesn't get to socialise because Ray wouldn't let her get a job because he says that 'he earns enough money for the two of them'

"thank you for letting me go.. i mean i think it would be good for me to socialise with other people you know?" Jenny said as her nerves calmed down.

"what's wrong with me? Jenny you don't need anyone else. do you understand!" Ray said firmly getting more and more frustrated by the second even though she only asked to go out.

"no no babe uh there's uh nothing wrong with you i just wanted to have some time with Kara and her friends okay?" She said calmly looking at Ray with pleading eyes.

"yeah whatever i'm going upstairs to play pool i'll see you back tonight okay?" He said the last part sounding serious.

Jenny didn't say anything as she knew she would get hit for talking back to him. Once he was out of sight Jenny let out a sigh of relief and went go to get her dress and make-up to go to Kara's house. If Ray saw what she was wearing he wouldn't let her out of his sight and would shout at her.


"I hate him so fucking much Jen i don't know how you do it!" Kara said annoyed. Jenny told Kara about what her boyfriend had to said to her.

"yeah tell me about it." She said sat on the floor applying her make up in front of the tall mirror. "i'm really excited for tonight though.. maybe i could meet new people."

"i hope so you deserve it so much Jen, you don't deserve to have this life. i wish i could help you and i would do anything for you, you know i love you right?" Kara said looking at Jenny and touched her shoulder lovingly.

"yeah i know i love you too K." Jenny smiled at her best friend passing her the lipstick.

After applying their make-up, they got their dresses and heels on to head out of Kara's apartment to a club near by. Jenny turned her phone completely off incase after calling an uber incase Ray was watching where she was going.

Jenny and Kara arrived at the club safely. Swerving through sweaty body's to reach the bar. Once sat at the bar they ordered their drinks and said

"let's partyyyyyyyy!"

a/n: okay so this is the first proper chapter!! i hope you like this so far and it's not boring but it's about to get A LOT better <3

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