CH 7

52 2 1

TW: minor physical abuse.

"jenny?" ray said louder this time.

jenny got up and and pulled drew up with her. "drew you need to leave now!"

"jenny i'm not leaving you with this psychopath. he hurts you and you're clearly scared!" drew said getting worked up.

"no drew please leave, ray doesn't know about you. i kept you a secret because ray doesn't let me have friends. NOW LEAVE." she said on the verge of tears.

"okay, okay. just text me when you're back i need to know you're safe." drew said and walked away quickly.

jenny sighed in relief. she quickly walked over to ray as her heart was pounding in her chest.

"who was that jenny huh? you're new boyfriend? YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME UH?" ray said getting louder almost yelling. jenny flinched and stepped back a bit.

"i- no, no ray i'm not c-cheating on you okay? he's a, he's a friend." jenny said smiling at the last part.

"yeah well you're not seeing him again jenny do u understand?" ray said grabbing her chin with a tight grip. "i said do you understand?"

jenny nodded the best she could as his hand held her face tightly.

"good, i'm dealing with you at home because this is unacceptable jenny. you're mine and no one else's." ray said letting go of her face and grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

ray dragged jenny to the car and through her in, quite literally. he leaned over and put her seatbelt on for her. he tugged on it so it would be tight on the stomach. jenny cliched as her stomach was bruised from what he did a few days ago.

all jenny wanted to do was cry. she wanted to get out of this car and run away, run away to drew. he made her feel safe and loved. they've only known each other for 3 weeks. it's crazy how much you can love person you only met such a short time ago.


once the car stopped ray got out and opened jenny's door. he dragged her up by the hair and threw jenny on the ground.

"you think you can meet whoever you want huh? you're never leaving the house again bitch!" ray shouted. he started kicking jenny in the ribs.

after a few kicks he got jenny off of the ground and threw her into the house.

jenny felt like she was on fire. her stomach was in so much pain and now her ribs are bruised. jenny started to cry and plead for him to stop.

"p-please stop. why are you hurting me." jenny said crying her eyes out.

"because you're nothing!" he shouted and slapped her in the face. he didn't stop there. he repeatedly hit her and pulled her hair.

after ray was finished jenny collapsed onto the living room floor unable to stand up. jenny was used to all pain as this happened at least twice a week. she didn't even try to get up.

ray looked at her with an angry expression. no sympathy for what he just did to her, he didn't care one bit. so he walked out of the house.

"i'll be back tomorrow night jen, don't bother fucking going anywhere i'll always find you." the door slammed. he's gone finally.

jenny still lay on the ground 2 hours later. all of a sudden she got this sudden urge of needing to throw up. she quickly tried to stand up even though the pain was unbearable. she made her way to the bathroom and got on her knees over the toilet. she emptied her stomach into the toilet and wiped her mouth. jenny thought to herself about why she was sick. she didn't eat anything today and she was never the type of person that was ill.

she opened her phone and went to the calendar. jenny started to panic when she was what date it was. i'm 2 and a half weeks late.

a/n: ooooooo i left y'all on a cliffhanger again kinda?? idk i think u know what's going to happen. i just came up with this idea the other day so i hope it goes well.. IF YOURE STILL READING THOS BOOK THANK U SM BECAUSE ITS TERRIBLE BUT IT REALLY MEANS A LOT TO ME.

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