CH 8

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i need your help please come over.

why? are you okay? was it ray? oh god it's ray isn't it.

no, i mean yeah ray did things but that's not my main worry right now k i need you to stop at the pharmacy for me please?

okay? well what do u need.

it's a pregnancy test. please don't ask questions i'm really anxious okay just bring me a few.

okay on it.


20 minutes later kara showed up at jenny's house with 3 pregnancy tests in a bag.

"so what do you need these for jen?" kara said with a suspicious look on her face.

"i'm late, 2 weeks and a bit kara i'm scared, i'm so scared." jenny said on the verge of tears.

"oh god.. it's okay we don't know one hundred percent yet so don't stress." kara said and gave jenny a hug.

"no but i'm not ready for this. i'm too young and i don't even know if i want kids or anything. and ray. oh god what about ray?" jenny said tearing up at the thought of ray.

"look, let's just take the test first then we can think about these things right?" jenny nodded.

"yeah okay." jenny sighs.

jenny walked to the bathroom down the hall and went in. kara waited outside because she wanted to respect her privacy. three minutes later jenny came outside the bathroom with the test in her hand.

"the box says i need to wait three minutes then i'll check it.. i'm so scared kara." jenny said as her bottom lip trembled.

kara didn't know how to make this better as she hasn't been in this situation before. so she just hugged her really tight to tell her everything will be fine.

"okay it's been three minutes. would you like me to look at it first?" kara suggested.

"no it's fine i'll be brave and do it." she said.

jenny slowly turned the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter over with her shaking hand. the test was..


fuck. she thought.

jenny dropped the test on the counter and fell to her knees. how is it possible. her hands held her face as she cried. kara got behind her and started to rub her back for comfort. she didn't have to look she already knew what it said.

"i'm sorry jen.. but maybe this is a good thing you know? like the thing that will bring your life together again. you deserve to be happy and this baby might be it." kara said trying to make her feel better.

"i- yeah i guess you're right but i don't know what i'm going to do with ray." jenny panicked.

"well the baby is his right?" kara asked.

jenny stayed silent. she looked at the floor and shook her head.

"me and ray haven't done anything physical apart for kiss in like 6 weeks.. i would've known already."

kara looked at jenny with wide eyes and said

"jenny! this could be your way out from ray. a fresh start, finally." kara smiled at jenny. "who's baby is it then jen?"

a/n: IM SORRY IM JUST UPDATING THIS NOW ITS BEEN A COUPLE MONTHS. you've all probably forgot about this book but i'm posting this anyway.. i'm going to try and get back into writing even tho this book is not good at all. anyway i hoped you like this chapter idk when i'll post chap 9 but <3

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