CH 6

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three weeks past, since then drew and jenny have been meeting up at least twice a week. drew wanted to keep in touch with her since he found out about ray.

jenny opened up to drew about almost everything. she laughed, cried and talked about everything with him. he made her feel comfortable to do so and she will be forever thankful.

ray has been very suspicious about jenny and her whereabouts since the "night out" with kara. the thing is, ray doesn't know about drew as jenny knew this would be another major issue on top of the abuse she has to deal with daily. the abuse may not be physical all the time but it still hurts.

jenny was sitting on the sofa as usual as she wasn't allowed to leave the house really with ray being at work. she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, a text from drew appeared.

drew <3
hey jen, i just wanted to check up on you. are you okay?

hey drewy!! just peachy but i'm really bored. ray at work and i have nothing to do.

drew <3
hey why don't we meet up at the beach for a few hours?

uhh i don't know drew.. you know how ray gets angry

drew <3
i know i know but i really want to see you and make sure you're okay? just for a little while, 2 hours max and i'll have you back at you're house before ray okay

you really know how to persuade someone drew. see you in 30 minutes

drew <3
awesome i'll see you soon


jenny was walking down the promenade of the beach, waiting to see if she'd spot drew on the sand. she saw him and walked over.

jenny walked up behind him and covered his eyes with her hands. "guess who.." she giggled.

drew took her hands off his faces and turned around. he smiled when she saw her smiling. he liked her smile a lot. she deserves the world he thought to himself.

"hey how are you?" he asked giving her a comforting hug. he thought she might need one.

"you ask me that every 10 minutes drew.. it's okay, i'm okay." she said nodding her head trying to convince herself.

he nodded and gestured her to sit down on his blanket he brought with him. he handed her a bottle of water.

"thanks drew. you're too kind." jenny smiled at him.

"you deserve to have someone be kind to you. you don't deserve any of what you are going through. you deserve to be with someone who makes you happy jen." drew said looking at her with a reassuring smile as he touched her hand gently.

"yeah i know, i- i just i don't know what i ever did to make him do all the things he does to me. i'm always so scared, it's like i'm walking on eggshells around him. he makes me feel so fucking stupid and that i'm worth nothing. i um- i don't know how much more i can take." she cried. the last part she whispered as a tears escaped down her face.

drew's face softened. he moved closer to jenny and lifted her onto his lap. she hid her face in his shoulder as she started to cry harder. his hand rubbed up and down her back to comfort her.

"shh it's okay, baby. i'm right here. i'm not going anywhere. you'll always be safe with me okay. i'd never do anything to hurt to you. one day you'll be free from him and everything will be fine." the nickname just slipped out of his mouth without thinking. he just wanted to protect her from everything and comfort her.

jenny sat there in drew's arms for a long time while he talked to her and tried to make her feel better. she eventually calmed down as drew tried to make her laugh and forget about that asshole he wanted to beat up so badly. but he knew it would make things worse.

"have you heard anything about the audition yet?" jenny said trying to change the subject. she was still in drew's arms but she didn't mind. he made her feel safe.

"uh yeah they are still in contact but no news about getting the role officially. there gonna start having call backs soon the director said.. hopefully i'm one of them." he chucked looking at the ocean in front of them.

"well they'd be stupid not to give you the role you know. you deserve it, you're a great actor." jenny smiled at him.

before he could say anything back to her a male voice calling jenny's name took them from their moment. jenny immediately tensed and looked up at drew with a scared expression on her face.

"oh god th- this cant be happening.. w-why is he here. drew what time is it!" jenny said panicking.

"hey calm down okay. its 3:30pm." drew said.

"oh my god." jenny quickly moved off of drew and picked up her bag. "drew you need to leave like right now i can't let him see you okay go." she said pacing slightly. she looked over to voice calling her name. ray.

a/n: i kinda left this on a cliffhanger? idk buy it's been 2 weeks since i've updated this book. i have a big idea coming up but after i announce it i won't know how to go about this book so updates will be slow <33 also new book cover yey!!

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