Once Lovers

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The grass rustled as I fumble upon my steps in the garden of the old Manor of the once lovers.

My feet brought me in a ran-down and rugged swing by the stone fountain. It wasn't until I had gotten a closer look that I found an engraving at its wooden seat--the initials of the once lovers.

I ran my fingers at the rope that held the swing; somehow it stood the cruelty of time that the once lovers didn't.

It was sturdy still, and so I sat longingly. Somehow, I knew I wanted to see what it was like at the swing the once lovers cherished--what exactly they saw.

Time passed and then it was dawn. I wouldn't even notice had the flickering lights not disrupted my vision. Although the place was darker, the memories of the once lovers became clearer.

Unfortunately, it was my sign to leave. With one last gasp of air, I closed my eyes. One last smile from the swing of the once lovers.

Scenes rolled in my mind--like film--it flooded. A tear almost fell as I relived the memories of the once lovers--our memories.

It was a love so magical.

The world continued to revolve.

Everything moved on.

Meanwhile, I'm here. An old soul.

With a speck of once love, and everything except a glimmer of hope.

Like memory of once lovers, I became one with the flickering lights.

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