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The answer was no. You were not ready. You were practically shaking just by looking at the building that loomed above you. Was it too late to go back home? You did not fit in here. At all. Interrupting your thoughts though, you felt someone poke your shoulder cautiously. Your eyes instantly shot up to the guy who... was extremely plain looking.

"You okay? You've been spacing out for a little bit and you look pale as hell." He chuckled nervously as his eyes flicked around your face, looking for any sort of discomfort.

"I'm good... sorry." you mumbled back in response, sending a weak smile to lessen his concern. It was sweet of him to care, but honestly? You really wanted this guy to leave you the fuck alone.

He chuckled lightly and hesitated before patting your head, making you cringe slightly. "What's your name anyway?" You released a sigh of relief, glad for the change in subject.

"Y/N, L/N. You?"

"Hanta Sero. Nice to meet you L/N." He bowed slightly and sent you a cheesy smile, which you guess was his thing.

"You can drop the formalities soy sauce, I've never liked them anyway." You deadpanned, much to his surprise.

"I haven't either, just didn't want to seem like a bitch I guess." He chuckled once again, looking down upon you. "What class are you in anyway?"

"1-A." You said quickly, and started your walk towards the class, as he followed in suit.

"Really? Me too, it's kinda nerve wracking honestly." The awkwardness between you two was suffocating. To anyone around, it was obvious you weren't in the mood to talk, Mr. Sero on the other hand,? Well, he couldn't seem to be any more of a chatterbox. You only had five friends. You planned to keep it that way, but... plans don't always go accordingly.

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