A date-?

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Y/N's POV uwu

"Cute.." I heard him say as my face reddened more and I waved my arms around as if I was trying to erase this situation. 

"I-I'm not c-cute!!!" He quickly let go of you as you fell onto the hard floor, looking around the classroom. Everyone was staring. Of course.. you glared at Sero and stood up. You brushed of your skirt and continued on your way to the front. At the podium you looked at the class who, with the exception of few people, were looking at you. 

"H-Hi! My n-name i-is Y/N, L/N a-and I-I transferred h-here from A-America-" You were cut of by a small boy who violently pushed back his chair as he stood up.


"I'LL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF IF YOU FINISH THAT FUCKING SENTENCE YOU DAMN DEKU!!" You blinked at them both, obviously confused. They didn't seem to get the hint, and continued their comedy routine. 

"S-Sorry Kacchan..." The boy mumbled. You blinked at them more and continued.

"W-Well.. u-um. That w-was interesting. B-But I h-have the same q-quirk as M-Mirko if y-you've heard o-of her." The green hair boy said a quick sorry and sat back down. You nodded and continued. "U-Unlike M-Mirko, I c-can hide m-my t-tail and e-ears, like I a-am right now.." You hesitated, but showed your ears and tail, as the class had a look of anticipation. Once you did show them, you received "awwwww"s from the girls, and the boys faces just heated up. 

"So cutie, I'm thinking we can go on a date sometime so you can show me just what your quirk can do?" You looked in the direction of the voice, and found yourself locking eyes with someone who had yellow hair, and a small lightening bolt going through it. He looked fairly handsome, so with slight confidence for a change, you said,

"I-I'll consider." He looked surprised, and while practically screaming, he said,

"Wait!!! Really?!?!" You nodded, and it was obvious to everyone around you that you were confused. "Score!!! I get to go on a date with a cute girl!!!" 

"She never actually confirmed dumbass." Said someone who looked like the definition of Hot Topic with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"O-Oh. I j-just didn't think h-he was serious-"

"Well I was! Please go out with me!!" The whole class, including you, cringed slightly at how desperate he was. With slight hesitation ringing in your voice, you said,

"Sure.." The yellow haired boy punched the air, out of excitement you assumed, and you made your way back to your seat. Once there, the overwhelming reality hit you, you had a date! For the first time ever! Your face lit up and you looked around, who would help you get ready? You hadn't really talked to anyone here except for Sero, and he probably wouldn't be much help. Suddenly, your eyes landed on a girl with short brown hair and the cutest pink cheeks ever.

"I'll talk to her later.." you thought while staring at her. Unsurprisingly, she noticed and flashed you a warm smile. "She does seem kind.." you shot her quick glances, none of which she seemed to notice. Aizawa ended the lesson early, claiming he had to grade papers. You grabbed your bag and quickly stood up, walking directly over to the brown haired girl. She looked at you with and smile on her face, not seeming to take note of how serious you were.

"Hey! What's up?" You looked her dead in the eye, and mustered up enough courage to say, without stuttering,

"I need your help." She had a confused look on her face, but you grabbed her wrist and led her to the mud room (I don't know what the term for it is- so sorry—) you quickly changed your shoes, and she did the same, minus the quickly. After you two were done, she looked at you and said,

"Well, you're L/N-Chan, right?" You nod and said more loudly then expected,

"Call m-me Y/N." She smiled.

"Okay Y/N! I'm Ochako Uraraka!" You finally returned her smile, finding yourself in a rather awkward position as you had no clue what to say next, but she broke the ice by saying, "You said you needed help, right? With what?" 

"My date." You never thought your life would come to this, asking someone you met a minute ago for help on your first date, but you were desperate. She didn't seem to mind though.

"Okay! Anything for a friend!" 

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