Shoutout (Not a chapter)

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Hiiiii!!! Sorry about this, but I'll be making a new chapter tonight :3 for now I'd just like to give a shoutout to IHaveChisme 

They voted on all my story parts and I really appreciate it, so ty <3

I'm not the best writer so I'm not sure why you did it- but ty anyway :33333

Please give them lots of love or go follow them- or both- idk- this is why I don't usually do stuff like this ;-;

But on a side note, ty for 60+ reads!! It means a lot to me to know that people actually read this trashy book- anywaaaaaaay, I gtg to school now- so enjoy the rest of your day/night! 💕💕💖💖 Love you all! (No homo/hetero tho-)

mr. tape manDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora