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After hearing Mingi whine over him having to clean the house, the two guys left to go to the mall. San was currently driving and Wooyoung sat awkwardly in the passengers seat.

"Woo are you not going to say something?" San said as he glanced over at him quickly before focusing his eyes on the road. Wooyoung was quite shy and didn't really know what to say.

"San..I'm sorry. Sometimes I get shy." Wooyoung pouted.

"Hey you don't need to by shy around me. We're friends now." San smiled as he pulled into the malls parking lot. As he stopped the car he turned to face Wooyoung. "We're gonna do anything you want today."

"Cmon San we're just hanging out, it hasn't got anything to do with me." Wooyoung laughed as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say. Now let's go!"

The two boys entered the familiar mall and were now deciding on what to do first . "Let's eat first because we haven't had anything to eat yet." San suggested. Wooyoung nodded and replied with a happy "yes" and so they made their way to the food court.

They decided on getting a burgers and shakes, perfect combo for a day out. As wooyoung was finishing off the last part of his burger he spoke up.

"I really want to get some new perfume. Can we go to the perfume store?"

"I need to get some too, my current bottle is on its last drops. He sighed dramatically as he stood up. Cmon let's go."

The boys entered the perfume store to be greeted by a mixture of scents. Wooyoung immediately went to the isle he knew had his favourite lavander and orange spray.

San saw him pick it out and instantly though about the scent he chose. "So that's why he smells so good." He mumbled to himself.

"What one are you getting." Wooyoung questioned as he saw San looking at a rich vainilla scented spray it had coffee undertones and paired really well. However for a simple yet amazing perfume it cost a lot. It was almost $80.

"$80 dollars for this...I literally got the same bottle 5 months ago for $50. San chuckled placing the bottle down. I have loads of perfume at home I can go without this one for a while. I'll wait for you outside while you pay woo."

Wooyoung went to the till and payed for his items before leaving the shop to see San holding two iced coffees. "Here this is for you." San said handing him the cold beverage.

"San you didn't have to get me one. But thank you." Wooyoung smiled at the other.

"Its my pleasure. So where do you wanna go now?" San questioned as they walked to another side of the mall.

"I wanna go into the Music Store. I wanna look at this new record player that I want. I have to save up for it though." 

"Sure okay let's go then." Both boys had walked upstairs to the Music Store. It was pretty nice in there. It had pictures of bands and solo singers and of course a bunch of records and cds everywhere.

Wooyoung had wondered off to another part of the store and had called San over to look.

"Look San, this is the one I want. It's cool right but it's hella expensive." Wooyoung said pointing out the expensive looking item.

"Woo it can't be that expensive...WOAH! $375 for that?! I mean it is pretty nice and it does have loads of features so it's decent."

"Right, I just have to save up $150 then I'll have enough to buy it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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