wanting and seeing

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When Race slid Spot a note written on the inside of a gum wrappers, Spot wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face. He wanted to ignore the note. He wanted to yell at the kid sitting next to him to fuck off. He wanted Race ti leave him alone. He didn't want his solitude ti be interrupted.

But he couldn't resist. Against his will, he took the note and read it.

"hi :)"

Spot rolled his eyes so hard that Race thought they had rolled all the way back into his head. It isn't long before the gum wrapper is crumpled up and given back to Race.

Race doesn't give up hope though. He sees Spot sitting alone at lunch. He sees the way his eyes go wide for just a moment whenever someone touches him. He sees the way he fidgets with everything he can get his hands on during class. Race sees Spot, whether Spot knows it or not, and he wants to pull him out of the dark hole he's become so comfortable in. He wants to show him the light and help his eyes adjust.

But there's still that dammed wall between them.

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