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It takes a couple months of them talking for Race to realize that getting butterflies in his stomach at the thought of Spot isn't normal.

It takes that same amount of time for Spot to come to his senses and realize that Race isn't being fake.

In those months, they have stayed up until the dead of night on facetime. They have gone out to eat together. They've had study "dates" together. And while Spot has seen this as Racer being a good friend, Race knows it means so much more.

Race has spent months staring at the ceiling at night, unsure of what this feeling is. He's spent months cuddling a pillow, pretending it's that damn boy.

Race is head over heels for that boy. He's falling, and he's not getting up anytime soon.

Spot is oblivious to this. Little does he know that he's head over heels as well.

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