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Race stares at his phone for a moment before signing and closing out of the conversation. He prepared himself for this. He knew Spot would be hard to get to.

It still saddens him, though. Has he been so deprived of love that he sees any form of kindness as pity? Does he think it's not genuine? Does anyone even try to show him affection?

Race wants to be that person. Race needs to be that person.

And while he does admit, he does kinda pity Spot, it's minuscule. It's like the extra legos you get in the pack in case you lose a piece. Race genuinely thinks that he would make a great friend. He's seen how he's treated his friends in the past. The only reason they left him was because he was too protective of himself. They never realized how protective he was of them as well.

He tried so hard to be a good friend without revealing too much, but they just left him in the dust.

And now, Race can infer that Spot doesn't think he deserves friends. Does Spot think he's at fault? Does he think that he wasn't good enough for them?

The thought of it is heartbreaking, and it makes Race realize that he's almost always had someone there.

He doesn't think Spot has anyone.

He sends a quick message apologizing and explaining himself before shutting off his phone and flopping onto his bed.

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