new beginnings

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Their relationship started off pretty rocky, both of them unsure of how to navigate it. Race's friends didn't agree at first, but a few weeks in they adopted Spot into their group.

Since Spot's home life...wasn't the greatest, he spent most of his time at Race's house. His mom always welcomed him in, saving him a seat at the dinner table.

Eventually, they got on better footing, and from that point on they were unstoppable. They never really left the honeymoon phase. They barely fought, and when they did they would come crawling back in about an hour.

Race was the Trojan Horse. Spot let him into his walls, and before long he was a completely different person. His walls collapsed around him.

He was still as tough as a boulder, but Race was his Achilles Heel, his weakness, his love.

For the first time in years, Spot was happy. He was free.

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