Five- The Heart is Different Than the Mind

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"What the hell was that?" Peter asked as they were going home. "Do you realize what kind of problem this is?"

"Okay, well, you left for like half of the night. You had just come back like five minutes before we left-"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"If you wouldn't have interrupted- I would've said that you were the first person that I saw if you hadn't been sneaking off. Like you always do!" She stomped on the break.

"Stop, Versaillen. Just stop."

"Why? So you can-" She was silenced by him covering his hand over her mouth.

Their faces were very close. Peter furrowed his eyebrows as he looked around and let his hand off of her mouth. "What are you doing there's-"

"There was- I just thought I heard something."

"What could you possibly hear in a car when the radio's on and cars are driving everywhere around us?"

"I don't know," He sighed. "Sorry,"

"It's fine. I'm sorry too- I shouldn't have told him that. I just panicked and I didn't know what to do. And, to be honest, I just wanted to spend-" She was cut off by someone honking at them.

Versaillen looked in her mirror to see Liz in the passenger seat of her friends car. "Hey, Peter!!" They screamed out their windows.

Peter pursed his lips as he smiled and gently waved. "She's wasted." Versaillen shook her head.

"They're just having fun-"

"They're being irresponsible. Especially since we also have school tomorrow."

"You know what was also irresponsible? Lying to one of the most popular kid in our class who could potentially catch on to your lie."

"Well, you never corrected me, so I guess it's both of our lie. Which also means that you have to fake date me."

"I'm not doing that, Saillen." Peter rolled his eyes.

"It's like you like to be lonely. Well, have fun being lonely because you just went down to having only one friend. That's sad."

"Okay, and what are you going to do about Cameron? He won't get suspicious when your 'boyfriend' is never around you?"

"Just because you're not my best friend doesn't mean you're not my fake boyfriend." She pulled in front of Peter's apartment building. "Now, get out,"

"I could just not go along with it, you know."

"You could. But you're not gonna do that."

"Who says?"


"No, it was so embarrassing. I was trying to stick up for myself but it turned into the stupidest argument ever and I said things that didn't really make sense- And, it was so cringe and I don't want to think about it." She laid her head in her arms as MJ quietly laughed at her.

MJ rested her hand on Versaillen's shoulder. "I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

"Oh, it was bad." She shook her head. "I told him we weren't friends but he was still going to be my fake boyfriend."

"YOU'RE KIDDING." She laughed. "What if he decides to not go along with it, though?"

"I told him he wouldn't do that because I know him and what he'd do."

"So, now what are you going to do?"

"What?" Versaillen shot her head up to look at her.

MJ looked at her and looked at the door. "Well, Hinsen just got here and it looks like he's looking for you."

"Oh, fuck."

They watched as he strolled to their table. "Sup. Where's your boyfriend, Hickman?"

"Um, probably eating,"

"Why isn't he eating with you?"

"Because, he doesn't have to be with me all the time?"

"C'mon, Hickman. We both know that whatever you have going on with him isn't going to last. When you get rid of him, give me a call." He pushed a napkin on the table and walked away.

MJ looked at Versaillen. "What the hell was that?"

"I don't know," She opened the napkin. "Where's Peter?"

"Uh," MJ looked around for him. She paused. "Why do you need to find him?"


"You're going to be mad."


"He's over there," She pointed to Peter and Liz talking.

Versaillen pushed her food away. "Why would I be mad? He's just talking to her."

"They're obviously flirting, Versaillen. Go out with Cameron."

"No. My heart is set on Peter. I will love him
more and better than Liz or anyone else can if it's the last thing I do."

"Alright, if you insist."

a/n: i lowk hate this chapter but it's ok:)) not excited to go back to classes on monday tho 😒

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