Fourteen- Done

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"You're insane," Versaillen slammed her locker and walked to Peter's.

Liz was still standing at his locker. "I'm not stupid-"

"Peter." She crossed her arms over her chest.

He also crossed his arms. "Versaillen."

"Did you cheat on me?" They said in unison. "What!?" They said in unison again.

"Cameron just told me that you kissed Liz..."

"Liz just told me that you kissed Cameron..."

They both turned to Liz. "Now, guys, this must be some kind of coincidence."

"It's a coincidence that the two people who like us would lie to us just for their pleasure?"

"No!" Liz tried her best to make up an excuse. "I- we- just- you know, I- I'm sorry. I'm going to go."

They watched as she sped walked out of the hallway. "You see what I mean now?"

Peter nodded his head. "I don't even know how to process that."

"Me neither." She adjusted her book bag strap. "Can we talk?"


She led him out to the bench in front of the school. "I feel like ever since we started fake dating, and now actually dating, everything's gone wrong."

He nodded his head. "I know,"

"And I love you. So much. But I-"

"No, you're not breaking up with me, right now. I've waited years to have you. To tell you that I actually love you and now you're going to throw it all away because of a few nobodies?"

Versaillen looked down at her hands. She wasn't sure if it was to hide her tears or because she was humiliated with herself. "We've been together for a short time-"

"A month, Versaillen."

"I had a dream last night. That you cheated on me. With Liz, and I know that might not mean anything to you, but it means something to me. I think it's a sign that we need a break, or maybe we aren't working out. All we ever do is fight every other day."

Peter's eyes began to water. "Okay," He nodded, because he didn't think he could even choke out anymore words.

This day consistently popped into Peter's head. He remembered how bad he felt. He thought that there would be nothing worse than that feeling. Now, he realizes that he was wrong. Days like these he would think about every detail that he could've changed.

Could've been better. He could've still had Versaillen.

He watched her leave. Again and again Peter would replay the way she wiped her tears with her sleeve. The way she hid her face in her hands. The way he felt his heart shatter.

Versaillen hadn't came to school for the next week. Peter only did because he had detention everyday.

"What's going on with you, man?" Ned bumped his shoulder as Peter had been switching periods. "You've been a downer all week. Is it because Saillen isn't here?"

He flinched at the sound of her name. "I guess,"

"You look like you haven't slept in days. And you've worn the same clothes for three days. I'm your best friend, what's going on?"

MJ came up behind the two of them. "Where's Versaillen? She hasn't answered her phone in a week. Her maid won't tell me anything, she won't even let me in."

"I don't know." Peter said coldly. "Maybe playing hooky."

"What's your deal, loser?"

Peter's POV

There's nothing I feel. I have no tears left. I know, you might think it's stupid to cry over a girl who I've been dating for a month. She's more than a girl. She's the girl I've been pining over for almost five years now.

I always thought when people say breakups are rough, I thought they over exaggerated. They didn't. It feels like my heart has been ripped apart, put back together and then curb stomped.

"Can you grab that book for me?" I look up at some girl struggling to pick the book from the top shelf.

"Yeah," She smiled timidly at me, it looked like Versaillen's smile. "This Spanish textbook?"

"Yeah, I'm currently failing Spanish. I don't know, I just can't get it." She sighed.

There was an awkward pause before she spoke again. "You're Peter Parker, right?"

"Uh, yeah, that's me."

She looked me up and down. "Could you possibly, maybe tutor me? I know you're like tied with Versaillen Hickman in class."

"Oh," I gulped. "Uh, Versaillen is way better at Spanish than me."

"It's alright, I just need a little bit of help."

"I guess, I could help you tomorrow after school."

"Great! Same spot?"

I nodded and went back to my work.


3rd Person POV

"Versaillen," MJ knocked on her door. "If you don't open this door, I'm gonna break it down."

She never responded so MJ picked the lock. "You better have some-" Versaillen was crying, bawling. MJ rushed over to her. "Versaillen, what's wrong?"

"My dad died."

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