Chapter 15

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Hey, this is the first story I have ever written so it might be terrible Idk. The chapters are short roughly 1,000 words per chapter. But I will stop boring you by talking and let you start reading the chapter!

- A day without a book is like a latte without coffee - Piotr Kowalczyk

POV. Wanda

We had just passed the Utah border about fifteen minutes ago. My brother was snoring in the backseat and Jack was trying to stay awake in the front.

Jack had finally nodded off just as we reached Salt Lake City, Utah. I stopped at a local gas station to fill up the tank, get snacks, and use the restroom. I didn't want to wake Jack up because he had just fallen asleep but I wasn't planning on stopping again until we were in Colorado. So I had to wake him up but I wanted to wake my brother first.

I threw a suitcase on his head and yelled in his ear, "WAKE UP!" He woke up with a start looking around at his surroundings he must have remembered how he got here and then found himself wondering where "here" was. Before he could ask I told him we were at a gas station in Salt Lake. He nodded and went to get food and use the restroom.

I then had to go to the front and wake up Jack. I was surprised to see that he was still sleeping even after I screamed in my brother's ear. I shook his shoulder lightly and gently told him to wake up. He grumbled and then shot up on high alert, probably wondering where he was.

He looked around before seeing me. He then calmed down. "Where are we?" He asked me.

"Salt Lake City, Utah," I answered. "I woke you up so you can go to the bathroom, I don't plan on stopping again until we're in Colorado."

He nodded and got out of the car and walked into the gas station. While they were doing that I refilled the gas tank and got some more gas just in case we ran out. I went into the store to pay for the gas and found my brother and Jack arguing weakly about which potato chip was better, the choices were sour cream and onion, or salt and pepper. "Sour cream and onion is better," I told them as I grabbed both bags of chips and some water.

"Thank you!" Jack said to me. I knew my brother was voting against the sour cream and onion chips because one time he threw up after eating them, he now claims they are the worst chips ever created. I paid for everything and loaded it into the van and soon we were on the road again.

My brother had fallen asleep again but Jack couldn't fall back asleep. "Where are we going?" Jack asked me in a whisper trying not to wake my brother.

"You don't have to whisper once my brother falls asleep he is dead to the world, if it weren't for his snoring, I would think that he was dead," I informed Jack. He nodded, "And we're going to New York, I have friends there that we can stay with."

"I feel bad, putting you through all this trouble for some nobody like me."

"Jack, listen to me, you are not a nobody, if you meant nothing to me, you would already be six feet under." This must have somehow reassured him because he stopped asking questions.

"Are you going to have somebody else drive?" Jack asked me "Won't you get tired?"

"I'll be fine until I can find a spot to stop and rest, my brother doesn't like to drive and you don't know where we are going."

I soon found a spot to stop in the middle of nowhere I found a small clearing in the woods and decided to park there. It was far enough into the woods that nobody would be able to see us just driving by. Plus I doubted that anyone would even drive by. But just in case I locked the doors and put a glowing red force field around us, not wanting to take any chances.

I then reclined my seat and laid down looking at Jack until I eventually drifted off to sleep.

Okay, so chapter 15 is finished! It was really just a filler chapter leading up to what will happen next. Tell me what you think!
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