Chapter 16

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      Hey, this is the first story I have ever written so it might be terrible Idk. The chapters are short roughly 1,000 words per chapter. But I will stop boring you by talking and let you start reading the chapter!

- We lose ourselves in books, we find ourselves there too - Anonymous

POV. Wanda

Soon, we were in New York. We had just passed the border when my brother decided he needed to pee. I rolled my eyes at him but pulled over for him anyway. After he got back in we continued until we were about fifteen minutes away from our destination Altmar, New York.

We were going to Altmar because my friend before I was taken, Josie lived in a house there.

Before I knew it I was screaming at my brother to wake up and that we were there. He finally got his lazy butt up and got out of the car. Josie had a very large family, she was married to a nice guy Landon, and had a daughter Olivia. She also lived with her brother Cliffton, who was married to a girl named Natalie, they had two kids and another one on the way. The oldest was Casie Joe, the middle child, Emma Mae, and the girl who was soon to be born was going to be named Ella Marie. They were all very nice people, except for the bane of my existence Natalie.

We got out of the car and I was met with many familiar faces. But Jack didn't seem to like all of the people, because he hesitated when he saw the 14 eyes all on him. I took his hand gave him a reassuring smile and walk toward the people I called my family.

Cole had already used his speed and ran and picked up the first child he found witch was Olivia who was five with long curly hair. I let go of Jack's hand to hug Josie. "Thank you for letting us stay here with you, we are going to get a house as soon as I can find one," I told her.

"Don't worry about it you can stay with us as long as you like."

"But we would like you to leave soon, possibly now," Natalie said in a rude tone

"Natalie!" Cliffton scolded his wife, honestly, I don't know what he saw in her.

Natalie was eyeing Jack while biting her lip. "But you-" Natalie said stepping forward until she was about a step away from Jack "can stay here as long as you like" Then she took the extra step and got up on her tiptoes to whisper something in his ear. He looked at Natalie in disgust and stepped toward me, I met him halfway and put my arm around his waist, and glare at Natalie.

"I don't appreciate you getting up and whispering into my boyfriend's ear, I know what you said- Advanced hearing, remember?" I said through my teeth barely able to contain my anger. Cliffton looked very mad, he grabbed Natalie's arm and dragged her into the house.

"Come on let's go get settled into our rooms," I said to Jack. He nodded and started to follow me.

"Oh yes that sounds like a good idea, you have the rooms that you always do but someones going to have to double up with Jack because we don't have any more extra rooms, " Josie told me.

"That's fine, he can stay with me," I told her my brother apparently didn't like the sound of me and Jack sleeping in the same room because he grumbled and glared at Jack. I rolled my eyes at him and we continued toward the house.

Once we were inside I made my way through the living room and down the hall to the very last door right at the end of the hallway. I opened the door and descended the stairs that were behind it down to the basement. In the basement, there was a big room with a couch and one large wall that stretched down the length of the house that had many doors on it.

I went to the door third on the left and walked through it. The room was painted a navy blue with one washed-out wood accent wall. The bed was against the accent wall there was a couch on one of the blue walls and a dresser on the other. There was also a wicker chair in the corner opposite of the bed.

I went to the dresser and started to put my things away while Jack went and looked around the basement. I was just finishing when I heard a phone ring and Jack whisper a quiet shit under his breath.

I walked outside of the room and into the living area in the basement to see Jack passing while looking at his ringing phone. "Who is it?" I asked him wondering why he looked so worried.

"It's Chris" he stated. Chris, I thought that was Jack's best friend and he didn't know what to do.

"How do you feel about dying?" I asked him

He looked at me very alarmed and I realized I had asked that wrong. "I mean how do you feel about me telling him that you died?"

Realization crossed his face and he hesitated and then nodded handing me the phone. "Are you sure?" He nodded again so I picked up his phone and answered.

Pulling out my fake tears I sniffled "Hello?" I asked in a watery voice.

"Who is this?" Chris asked me over the phone.

"This is Jack's girlfriend, Wanda," I answered sniffling again

"Why are you crying?"

"J-J-Ja-Jack died," I said fake crying some more.

"W-what?" He barely whispered "how?" his voice cracking at the end.

I turned to Jack covering the phone with my hand I asked Jack "Quick what is one place that you would like to take me?"

He thought for a moment and then answered "Malibu Lagoon State beach"

I put the phone back up to my ear and told Chris "h-he wanted to show me M-Ma-Malibu Lagoon State Beach and w-when he dove into the w-water h-he didn't come back out" I was now fake crying hysterically "They still haven't found his b-body" I sniffled

Chris was silent for a minute "O-okay, thank you" and he hung up.

I took a deep breath and hung up. I handed jack his phone back. "It's done, and I have some errands to run."

"What kind of errands?"

"Well I have to go to the hospital and find a body that looks like yours, bury it at the bottom of Malibu Lagoon, then call the police and have them interview me. After that I will probably have to attend your funeral." I told him in a sad voice.

"Oh, when are you going to do that?"

"After you get settled and warm up to everybody, probably this evening"

He nodded and a lone tear fell down his face and hit the carpet with a soft plop. I didn't say anything I just walked over and hugged him, I moved over to the couch and we sat there for a while until he fell asleep. I got up and moved him into a more comfortable position, kiss his forehead and whispered a small I'm sorry.

Okay that was Chapter 16, It was kind of a sad one. Tell me what you think!
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