Chapter 38

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Hey, this is the first story I have ever written so it might be terrible Idk. The chapters are short roughly 1,000 words per chapter. But I will stop boring you by talking and let you start reading the chapter!

-I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library- Jane Austin


We dropped off Anna and Chris fairly quick and I refused to stay the night. I couldn't wait to get back to Wanda. We were about an hour away when Liam pulled over. "What? Why did you stop?"

"Look up ahead" He told me. And I saw them, five Program agents. I started to get out of the car when Liam stopped me. "We don't have  chance, there's five of them and two of us."

"Then stay in the van" I told him getting out of the car. I started walking toward them and was soon followed by Liam.

When we were just a few feet away I took off my jacket and the stopped for just a second, If I blinked I would have missed it. They knew that I was a part of the Program, but they continued walking anyway.

When they were about five feet away from us they stopped and took off the black ski masks they had on their faces. When they did Liam stopped suddenly, and then took off running right towards them.

I was confused. I was so very confused. He must have seen me standing there looking at them confused because he told me that these were some of the people that were going to help us storm the Program's facility.

After talking for a few minutes we offered them a ride back to the house so they wouldn't have to walk. 

I had learned all of their names by the time we pulled into the driveway. Peggy and Alex had telikenisis, Noah could control the elements, Scott could grow and shrink, and Vida can create force fields. They were all pretty cool people and I liked them.

They were all pretty nice, except for Vida she could be a bit mean at times. Peggy was the kind of person who was pretty laid back and chill, but if you messed with her, you were dead. Alex was the kind to love everyone he meets and was overprotective of Peggy. (They were together) Scott was a guy I could never take seriously, Noah seemed really shy and just sort of there.

We pulled up to the house and I couldn't be more excited. I hopped out of the van and ran into the house to find a bunch of people with solemn looks on their faces. I also didn't see Wanda. When Liam came in the happy face he had worn earlier was replaced with a worried and shocked expression.

"What's going on? Where's Wanda?" I asked him

"She's gone" Liam told me still shocked

"What?" Did he mean gone, gone, as in dead? Was Wanda dead!? I was quickly starting to feel the all to familiar feelings of a panic attack.

"She's not dead," He quickly assured me "The Program just took her"

"What!? How is that any better!?" I asked him

"It's better because she's alive"

"Who knows if she is? How do we know they didn't kill her hear?" I asked

"Because she left a note, a guy with dirty blond hair and gray eyes told me handing me an envelope. "She left a separate note telling us to let you open it, you are Jack right?"

"Yeah, I'm Jack," I told him dazed as I opened the letter. The letter read:

If you are reading this I think you know what it means I was taken by the Program. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to help you do this.
                                                                                 - Wanda Foster

On the back of the paper there was more.

Bathroom, three tiles to the left, Соленья с арахисовым маслом

I knew that the last words were Russian, that was all I could tell you about those words.

"Does anyone speak Russian?" I asked. A girl with blond hair and hazel eyes stepped out from the crowed.

"I do" she replied in a thick Russian accent.

"Good, what does this say?" I asked her pointing to the words.

"Соленья с арахисовым маслоm, Penut Butter Pickles" She answered

"And your sure that's what it says?" I asked her

She nodded "100%"

"Okay, does that mean anything?"

"As far as I know, all it means is Penut Butter Pickles, it might be a password" She shrugged

I nodded and went strait for the bathroom. I found the third tile to the right and stepped on it, nothing. I jumped on it, nothing. I pushed on it, a small tiny beep, that I was sure nobody could hear and then a small voice asking for a password. "Penut Butter Pickles" I said but then the small voice said again 'password denied"

Just then the same girl who told me that the words meant peanut butter pickles walked up behind me and said into the floor tile "Соленья с арахисовым маслом"

And it worked. The floor tile flipped back and the rest of them followed. It revealed a stair case to a basement. I walked down the steps to find a room filled to the brim with state of the art technology.

Okay, Chapter 38 is finished! Tell me what you think!
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I opoligize if anything translated was wrong, I used Google Translate, not sure if it's right or not.

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