Chapter 34

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Hey, this is the first story I have ever written so it might be terrible Idk. The chapters are short roughly 1,000 words per chapter. But I will stop boring you by talking and let you start reading the chapter!

POV. Jack

Wanda was getting back into her normal routine and interacting with people. She still goes and sits out by Coles's grave every morning, but she comes back happier every time she does.

Wand went out to get groceries and I was staying here to keep an eye on Chris and Anna. 

Knock. Knock. Knock. Who could that be? Wanda wouldn't knock, it was her house. I walked over to the door and opened it to find a guy with longer dirty blond hair and gray eyes. He looked pretty young about fifteen and had to be a whole head shorter than me.

"Can I help you?" I asked him

"Uh, yeah is Wanda home?" Why does he want to know where Wanda is?

"No, she's out, why do you want to see her?"

"Because she told me to come here."

Oh, so this was the person she knew, that she wanted to come and help us. "She'll be back soon, she is just out getting groceries." I told him "You can come in and wait for her if you want," I said stepping aside. 

He looked at me warily but stepped inside. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked him trying to be polite.

"Um, I'll have some water," He said as I turned to get him some water. I set it down in front of him and he looked it over for a minute before taking a small sip. He must have figured out that I wasn't trying to poison him because he took a larger drink the next time.

"So, how do you know Wanda?" he asked me taking another sip of water.

"She's my girlfriend," I told him.  

He choked on his water and when he recovered he asked. "Were talking about the same Wanda right, Wanda Foster? The Wanda Foster that said she would never love anyone, ever?"

"Umm, Yeah I think so," She said that? 

"Wavy brown hair? Deep green eyes? That Wanda?"

"Yeah" That was definitely her. Why was he acting like this?

"Huh," he said looking lost in thought.

We sat in silence for a while before I heard Wanda's voice. "Jack I'm home!" 

"In the kitchen!" I shouted back to her. She walked into the kitchen and ran to the guy and hugged him. 


"Hey Wanda!"

So Liam was his name. 

"So who is this boyfriend of yours?" he asked her

"Oh Liam, this is Jack, my boyfriend"

"What happened to I'm never going to date anyone ever?" He asked her

"That changed"


"Where are Chris and Anna?"

"Probably making out in their bedroom"

She only nodded. "So why did you call me and not your brother?" Liam asked. Wanda's eyes met the ground and she pulled his hand and led him outside to Coles grave. They were gone for about fifteen minutes before they came back inside with Liam looking very sad.

"Okay, let's start getting the group back together," Liam said after a while. 

"What group?" I asked them, Wanda never told me about a group.

"A group of people who also hate the Program enough to help us bring them down"

I answered with a simple "Oh" and they went on talking about who they would call and when.

They soon decided to call fifteen people, all of which had superhuman abilities. Wanda called Charlie and she happily agreed to come and help us. so now we had a whopping three people to fight a powerful program with at least three hundred people.

Wanda offered Liam a place to stay and he happily accepted it. We got ready for bed and went to sleep early that night to prepare for a busy day tomorrow. 

Okay, that was chapter 34! Tell me what you think! It was a bit shorter and because of that, I updated this chapter on the same day as the last chapter. 
Vote and Comment!

The Green Eyed GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora