Chapter 18

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Hey, this is the first story I have ever written so it might be terrible Idk. The chapters are short roughly 1,000 words per chapter. But I will stop boring you by talking and let you start reading the chapter!

- The more that you read, the more that you know, the more you learn the more places you'll go - Dr. Seuss

POV. Wanda

I left the basement after one last look toward Jack's sleeping form. I went upstairs to tell everyone where I was going and when I would be back.

Once I got upstairs I went to find Josie but Natalie stopped me before I got to her room. "What are you doing up?" she asked in a snarky voice.

"I'm going to tell Josie that I'll be gone for a while running errands."

"What errands?"

I was going to tell her to back off and that it was none of her business but she would just keep bugging me. "There is a lot to do when you run away and fake somebody's death," I told her and walked by. "Tell everyone else that I will be back by no later than Friday."

I walked outside and decided that I would get there faster if I fly instead of driving. So I took off into the sky toward Malibu. I loved flying. The feeling of the wind rushing through your hair and the waitlessness of it all.

In about three hours I was back in Malibu and approaching the hospital morgue. I went to the paper on the wall that told me where the 16-18 men were. I quickly opened many body bags until I found one close enough to Jack that if he sat and the bottom of the lake for a little while it would be believable.

Next, I went to Malibu Lagoon State Beach. Once I got there I took the body and pushed him to the bottom of the lagoon and put a bit of sand over him with my powers. After I did that I had to call 911. I dialed 911 and a woman picked up. "911 what's your emergency"

"M-my boyfriend dove into the lagoon at Malibu Lagoon S-State Park and he hasn't come back up it's b-been five minutes," I told her while crying.

"Okay, stay calm I'm sure he's alright, the police and ambulance are on their way, they will be there any minute now," she said in a very calm voice.

"Okay," I said waterly.

"Okay, I'm going to hang up now"

"Okay" I replied and she hung up leaving me there to wait for the sirens.

The police got there only a few minutes later. They all started to look around. One police officer came and asked me what had happened. "Um, Well I'm new to the area, I've been here for about a month and my boyfriend, Jack wanted to bring me here, said it was beautiful," I said all in a watery voice. "He told me that the water was harmless, trying to convince me to jump in, and to prove it he jumped in and he didn't come back up," I said sniffling.

"Okay, can you describe what Jack looks like?"

I nodded. "He has slightly curly brown hair and deep blue eyes. He's taller about 6'2, and a bit muscular." I told the officer.

"Okay, do you remember what he was wearing?"

"He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a burgundy T-shirt."

"Thank you," The officer said and walked away.

I decided I could leave now so I started walking to my home. On my way home I got a call from Mj. I picked up and she started shooting questions at me. Most of them are about Jack.

"Slow down Mj,"

"Sorry, What happened to Jack?"

I sniffled a bit and then answered "He took me to a lagoon and tried to tell me that water was harmless and to prove his point her jumped in and didn't come back out."

"Oh no," she said in a sad voice.

"Hey, can I call you another time?" I asked her.

"Yeah of course," she said and I hung up.

I started flying back to New York after I got off the phone with Mj.

I got to the house at about nine-thirty p.m. on Thursday to everybody sitting around the living room with solemn looks on their faces everybody except Jack, he wasn't there. "What's wrong? Where is Jack" they all looked at me and then Cole can up to me and cautiously said, "Wanda, Jack was-" He hesitated "taken"


"He was taken by a girl with dyed blond hair and was very snarky" I stopped and thought back to my first day in geometry.


"You know who she is?"

"Yes, I sat next to her in first-hour geometry."

"Well, Addison took Jack, and asked you to come and get him, and to come alone"

If Addison wanted me to rescue Jack then that's exactly what I was going to do.

Well, that was chapter 18! Tell me what you think!
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