Chapter 22

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Hey, this is the first story I have ever written so it might be terrible Idk. The chapters are short roughly 1,000 words per chapter. But I will stop boring you by talking and let you start reading the chapter!

- You can never get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me - C.S. Lewis

POV. Wanda

What?! I was so confused and happy and angry and concerned all at the same time. Charlie just told me that Jack didn't have any powers and that was amazing to me.

I was confused because I have no idea why the Program would bring Jack in if they weren't going to give him powers. I was happy because I don't want Jack to go through what I did. I'm angry at the Program because they kidnapped him. And I'm concerned because of the look of confusion and sadness on Jack's face.

"Jack, what's wrong."

He shook his head almost like he was trying to shake off a feeling. "Nothing, I'm fine," He said giving me a forced reassuring smile that looked more like a grimace.

"All right I think that is enough training for the day," Cole decided as he walked over to us.

Jack only nodded, grabbed his water bottle, and left. I quickly gathered all my things, put them in my bag, and followed him out.

I didn't catch up to him until we were in his room. "Hey, wait what's wrong?" I asked him concern clear on my face.

"I told you, I'm fine nothing is wrong."

"That's a lie, I know you better than that so I know that you don't act like this if something isn't wrong."

"I'm-" Jack started to say but I cut him off he was not fine and I knew it, and he knew it too. It wasn't okay for him to push down all of his feelings I knew what that did to you, it was terrible. When I went on my first mission I pushed down my feelings and I did the same thing after every mission after that until I couldn't keep them in anymore and I burst.

"Please don't tell me your fine, because you're not. It will only get worse if you keep it all bottled up."

"Fine, I guess I am a little disappointed that I'm not like you. I mean you can do all this stuff and you are going to live forever, and I'm just me," he said looking down at the floor.

"Your right you are just you, but I like just you. And it doesn't matter to me if you can't do things that I can do that is fine, and if you can then that is fine too. I don't care what you can do, because I love you."

Jack only stared at me. and I stared right back at him. We didn't do much other than stare at each other for who knows how long, I lost track of time. But now he was moving toward me he took a step which left his face inches away from mine and then his lips gently caressed mine.

The kiss quickly turned heated and the need for air soon broke us apart. "Okay?" I asked him.

"Okay," he said smiling. I then wiggled out of his arms and took a step back.

"Okay, now go shower, no offense, but you stink."

"Yeah, Yeah," he said but walked into the bathroom anyway.

I smiled down at the ground before getting into the shower myself. I let the water flow down my back as I thought about nothing in particular. I thought about Jack and what our future would be like. I thought about my brother and if he would ever talk to Leah. I thought about how I was going to bring down the Program once and for all. I also thought about what I would do once I did.

Once I was done with my shower there were very few things I was sure of. But there was one thing I was sure about, I was 100% in love with Jack Harrison and I would do anything for him.

After I was dressed I walked over to Jack's room and knocked on the door. I was worried, not because no one answered but because of the person who did.

Okay, that was chapter 22 tell me what you think! Cliff hanger!
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