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In this chapter, you've been friends with Han for ten years, having met in pre-k and sticking by each other ever since. You're both in college, taking the same classes and working in the same field, but you've wanted a boyfriend since the beginning of second semester, so you asked Han if he could help you find a boyfriend without using dating apps or any of that nonsense.

"Han, the problem is that everyone in this facility is either gay, taken, ugly, or not interested in a relationship," you remarked as you watched a lightbulb light up above Han's head as Han tapped his index finger on his chin.

"Didn't you remark a while back that you admired one of my friends?" he added "Yea, but that was a long time ago, and I don't want to date your friend since it'll be weird for you and ch- I mean your friend," you said suspiciously.

"Who were you about to say because you never told me which one of my friends you like and I heard a 'ch' sound and there's only two of my friends with the sound 'ch' in their name and that's Chan or Changbin," he asked as you slumped deeper into your chair, the anticipation building.

"Fine, I like Changbin, but I always thought I'd never have a chance because he's so popular and attractive, and I'm just....the polar opposite of all that," you said as Han smacked your arm as you yelled and held the spot where he smacked you. "Don't ever talk about yourself like that, and I'm pretty sure you have a chance with him, let me call him up," he said about to call him as you took his phone away

"I told you I didn't want to date your friend," you said as he snatched his phone back and pressed the 'call' button while holding it up to his ear, "and I told you I don't care if you date my friend," he continued as he walked away to chat to Changbin while you buried your head in your hands.

"Hey, look at me," he said as you immediately threw yourself back on the bed and encased your face with a pillow, "it's preferable to date the one you've known for a while than someone new since you already know a fair amount about Changbin from our 10-year camaraderie, but Changbin is on his way to see you," he said as you were thrown in a frenzy but eventually calmed down

"I'll give him one opportunity, but if he breaks my heart, he's done," you said as someone knocked on the door. "If he breaks your heart, there will be no more Changbin," he continued, coming to the door and opening it as you froze up when you saw Changbin.

"Oh I remember you, I always assumed you and Han were dating, so I never spoke to you for risk of Han beating me up, but now that I know you two aren't dating, would you like to go out to eat maybe tonight?" Changbin remarked as you walked to the restroom, shrieked, and headed back out and sat down.

"Got directly to the point, but tonight sounds nice," you stated calmly, but on the inside you were freaking out as Changbin grinned and waved goodbye to Han, winking at you as you smiled shyly as he walked out, and you exhaled deeply as Han chuckled.

"So how do you feel?" he asked as you shrieked with delight. "I'm excited but nervous at the same time," you said as you began to consider what to wear as Han gave you a solemn face as you glanced at him apprehensively.

"Check here before you start worrying," Han remarked as you chuckled guiltily and went to your closet and pulled out a Denim skirt, a plain black crop top, and a flannel shirt.

"See, I told you you were worried about nothing," he remarked as you hit his arm, which he deflected, as you rolled your eyes and grabbed your clothing and went to the bathroom, where you stripped and got in the shower.

Han's POV
*sigh* I'm not sure how to tell her I like her, but I've liked her since I first met her. I figured I'd befriend her and then tell her I liked her, but ever since she told me she liked someone, that someone being Changbin, I've felt betrayed. Should I still tell her or should I let her date my best friend?
Han's POV over

~an hour and a half later~

"Ahh Han, he's here, how do I look?" you asked as he adored you. "Hannie, are you ok?" you asked as he groaned and sat upon your bed.

"Y/N" you sat next to him "I've never known how to express my feelings for you, but now I guess I'll have to, um y/n I like you and always have, and until you told me you liked someone, I felt betrayed, so I hope you don't hate me for not telling you, but I hope you and Changbin have an amazing date and I love you," he said as he walked away to the kitchen, exhaling heavily as he heard the front door close and slid down the wall, and put his head in his knees

For once I barely procrastinated on a story but any-who I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Next: Seungmin

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