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Chan and I had always wanted to visit the zoo, and now that we've been together for 6 months, Chan finally gotten a break from work and decided that now would be the greatest time to do it.

"Chan, what animal are you most thrilled to see?" you said in an interviewer's tone as he stared at you and pretended to pick up a microphone and hold it to his mouth.

"Well, baby, the animal I'm most excited to see would have to be......you," he replied as you punched his arm as he gripped the pain filled area. "Ight babe, I'm playing, I'd love to see a kangaroo or a penguin or even a rhinoceros," he said, hugging you and kissing your cheek as you blushed.

Chan tiny sprinted up to the first animal he saw, a giraffe, and said, "babe, look at the giraffe," as you giggled at his childish behavior as you moved over next to him.

"So tall," he remarked, impressed, "yes, something you aim to be someday," you added, smiling smugly as he gave you a really dirty look as you laughed, "ha ha very funny," he said as you smiled and latched onto Chan's arm as he glanced down at you and chuckled.

"Come on, let's go to the next animal," you said as you took his hand and led him to the tiger enclosure, admiring the animal's beauty as he clutched your waist and grinned as he spanked your butt as you hit his chest.

"Channie not in public," you said as he chuckled and embraced you as you smiled and snapped pictures of the tiger as Chan flipped the camera around and captured pictures of you two as he handed you your phone back as you chuckled and rolled your eyes as you photographed more images of the tiger.

Then you went out to see the alligators, which were a long way away from the tiger, although you did take pictures of the other animals you saw on your way there.

"Channie look," you said as he grinned at you and covertly took a picture of you from afar as you turned around to him and put your hand on your hip as he mimicked you and tossed his hair as you chuckled and smacked his arm.

As you walked away and saw a sign that said penguin enclosure, you tapped Chan's arm and pointed to the sign, "use your words babygirl," he said as you blushed at the name, "let's go see some penguins you said you wanted to see them," you said, and he nodded in agreement and held your hand as you looked down at your guys hands and looked up at Chan.

"What happened, baby?" he said as you shook your head no and gripped to his arm, smiling softly as Chan kissed your head as the two of you ran over the glass barricading the penguins as you captured a few photos.

"Channie, how do you feel after seeing penguins?" you inquired, as Chan chuckled. "I feel fantastic that I saw penguins with the love of my life," he replied, as you blushed and mentally shrieked.

"Where on the map are the kangaroos?" he asked as you pulled out the map and looked around to find them, which you did. "Coincidentally, they aren't that far away, so let's go now so we still have time for the rhinos," you said as Chan held your hand and you reddened as you walked to the kangaroos.

On your walk to the kangaroos, you two would occasionally pause to look at the other creatures. When you two arrived at the kangaroos, Chan became overly excited and scared some of the kangaroos. He pouted and looked at you as you laughed. He turned around and a kangaroo approached him. He refrained from freaking out as you secretly took a picture of him.

"Baby look, it's up close to me," he said softly, trying not to scare it away as he slowly pulled out his phone and took a picture of it as he waddled over to you excitedly and proudly showed you the picture as you smiled at his childish behavior as he grabbed your hand and continued walking away from the kangaroos to the rhinos.

he was in awe of the rhinos "they're so huge especially their horns" he said in a surprised tone of voice as you chuckled at him as he took a lot of pictures and walked to you and held your hand and walked towards the exit again you two did take photos of the animals you saw on the way to the exit as you two exited the zoo and approached Chan's car, he opened the door for you, you got in, he closed the door, and he went over to the driver's side, got in, and started the car, and you drove home.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
Next: Changbin
Words: 829

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