A New Gift

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You are a wandering scam artist running from town to town to escape the police and angry customers. After running from multiple towns, you come across a circle of mountains, you've heard from other towns that there is supposedly a magical town in the centre, but no one could get in.

You, of course, knew exactly what to do. Climb straight over the mountains. Took about 5 hours but when you got over them and into the town below everyone looked at you shocked, you didn't look like them, you didn't even look like a person. You had a massive backpack full of supplies and a raggedy cloak that made you look old and senile so people would be more sympathetic towards you.

As you got closer to the middle of the town more people were mumbling questions about you. Such as "did he come through the crack in the mountains?" you heard a lot of those questions and turned around to see the obvious massive crack in the circle of mountains. And instead of trying to look for an entrance, you decided to just climb over the mountains like an idiot.

Seeing as none of these people seem hostile or willing to talk to you, you took off your cloak revealing an old 1800's British red coat that you stole when you were trying to escape their ships and it works very well in terms of getting people to buy faulty stuff from you. You looked almost like royalty. But seeing as these guys have never set foot into the real world that trick wasn't going to work. So you found an alleyway and got dressed into a boy working in the slums of London. Trousers, the flat cap, even the waistcoat. You didn't like this outfit cause it REEKED of chimney soot but you did look amazing in it. As you were doing some final touches, some children ran past the alleyway entrance and spotted you

"There he is! It's the new kid!" one shouted

"Crap I'm horrible with kids..." you whisper to yourself before grabbing your stuff and starting to walk towards them.

"Where are you from mister?! Are you from outside? Are you a girl? Why are you dressed like that? Do people outside have gifts?" all of them asked one by one.

Being overwhelmed you just answer everyone's questions as quickly as possible

"Not from here, yes I'm from outside, no I'm not a girl, I'm dressed like this because I like this outfit, what do you mean by gifts?"

Crap you asked them a question. They grab your hand and drag you to the top of the town to a very colourful house each part decorated with different colours and flowers blooming out of thin air.

"Abuela! We have someone for you!" one of the kids shout as they all form a line behind you so you don't run away.

"Hold on a minute who is Abuela? What's going on here?" your questions all seem to be answered when a door opens and an old lady appears with shocked eyes

"So you're from outside?" she asks you

You didn't want to seem impolite to what looks to be a kind soul so you answered truthfully

"Y-yes ma'am! I am from outside if outside means beyond the mountains."

"Come in niño, I have many questions." She gestures you to come inside but you didn't want to take your massive hoard of stuff with you as it seemed impolite

you turn back to the kids behind you.

"Hey, could you guys put this stuff back in the alley you found me in? and put a sign on it or something saying don't touch?"

"Yes sir!" they say before grabbing your stuff and heading back down to the alley

They seemed more behaved than the kids you usually see, after taking a deep breath to calm your nerves you walk into the home of this old lady and immediately, you're filled with the sense of childlike wonder, everything seems to be alive and thriving as doors decorated with people and symbols line the walls upstairs, glowing as bright as the sun. with much younger people running around as if someone important was coming.

"Poltergeist" Camilo x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now