Camilo's Gift.

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Start writing your storJust a little authors note before we start, HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK DID I GET 500+ READS PLS Y'ALL ARE TOO NICE one of y'alls comments made me cry in a good way. Thank you so much. Anyways onto the fanfic! Enjoy!

You and Camilo slept in for the day after you both confess your love for each other. You layed in bed happy that you and Camilo are finally together and that now the voices in your head cant make you leave Encanto as you now have a life here. And you get to spend it with your love.

Dolores of course heard everything and was ready to spread the tea with everyone, but on her way to Isabella, she wondered if you guys wanted to keep it secret for now. And so she decided not to tell. She struggled but she managed.

After sleeping in for a good few hours, you and Camilo finally get up and get changed. You decided to try something a little bit different. The little rauna that Camilo always wore looked comfy, so you decided to try and see if he had a spare.

"hey, Camilo? Do you have any more of those raunas? they look comfy and I wanna switch up my clothing style."

you have been given new clean clothes made by the town and Mirabel and you've gotta hand it to her, Mirabel is fantastic with a needle and thread, but you still wanted to try something different

"you wanna wear one of my raunas? Uhh, I'm sure I have some check my closet I'm sure there's one in there."

You walk over to the closet and there was indeed a rauna in there, it's a light blue so it compliments the yellow rauna that Camilo wears

"you wear this?" you ask putting it on

"not anymore, I grew out of it but you're small so it'll fit" you were indeed smaller than Camilo.

"IM NOT THAT SHORT!" you scream from struggling to put on the rauna.

Camilo walks over to help you put it on when your head finally pops out of the hole your face is incredibly close to Camilo's

Both of you start blushing

"well hey there handsome," Camilo says flirtatiously

"ay mi amor, you can do better than that." You flirt back while turning away, the rauna swishing round creating a light breeze against Camilo's face.

"wow, this is almost like a cape! Thank god whatever I'm wearing comes with me whenever I try to walk through walls... otherwise, I would not be popular..."

Camilo blushes harder at the thought of that.

"Camilo, you're turning into a cherry." Camilo snaps back into reality and walks towards the door you open for him

"ladies first" you playfully say to him walking out of the door

"bitches second." Camilo immediately covers his mouth

"Camilo Madrigal, did you just swear?" you swivel round and out the door, you start to become excited


"don't worry about it, it just means I'm a great influence."

"Dolores is gonna tell mom."

"Oh shit, you're right. Welp, you're screwed."

"YA THINK?" he screams at you

From somewhere in the house you hear pepa scream. Or maybe It was the raging thunder. You walk with Camilo to meet pepa and the cloud above her head grows darker when she turns to look at you which makes you visibly nervous. She calms down a little when she sees Camilo's old rauna on you but she's still mad at you for your swearing habits rubbing off on Camilo.

"Poltergeist" Camilo x M!readerWhere stories live. Discover now