Ya boi Back at it again

35 1 1

Sup losers. Just to let you know that this fic is most likely dead and or dying and I will be focusing my attention on "Life of a Barista" for some context about it, it is gay barista x customer and I love it to bits. Is it based off of experience? Do dreams count?
I also would like to mention that I do commissions on here! Are they good? Idfk. But ya'll can commission me with whatever you want! I don't really have a list of shit like payments and uhhh. Boundaries just yet, but I will let you guys know what I will and won't do if you Dm me on either Twitter or Instagram and those links will be at the end of this

So yeah this was basically to let you guys know that I won't be continuing this for a while, if I do it will probably be a shit chapter because I wrote it a 1AM.

If you don't have a commission yourself, spread the word out to some friends! If you don't have the money which I totally understand as an unemployed teenager in high school, feel free to give me some ideas for another one of my works on here! Maybe it'll be made as a side spin off chapter?

Insta: @mchale.sam
Twitter: @Exywert345

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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