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"You won't annoy me, you're not intruding. I literally just invited you!" I licked his hand a little while he was speaking and he immediately pulled away in disgust. "EW! Why?! That was disgusting, please don't ever do that again! Come on, crazy person, let's go."

Peter threw his arm around my shoulder and we walked together out to the street and towards his house. As we approached his front porch and Peter stood at his front door, he turned to look at me.

"Remember, no multiverse stuff around my Aunt May. Her mind will just explode, okay?" He raised his eyebrows and waited for me to answer. I simply nodded and positioned myself just behind him. He reached for the door handle then turned around once more, frowning this time. "Also, this is kinda awkward but... I just realised I still don't even know your name."

"Lottie. Lottie Cooper." I smiled, then laughed a little bit. "How did I completely forget to introduce myself?"

Peter chuckled, shrugging in response. "I guess there was a lot going on. Let's head in, I'm starving."

I nodded and followed Peter into his home.

"Aunt May, I'm home! I brought a friend over!" Peter announced after we walked into the house. "We're gonna go hang out in my room. Okay, love you, bye!"

"Now wait one moment, Peter!" May's voice came from the other room as Peter tried to rush us both up the stairs. May got to the stairs before we could and looked at the two of us. She smiled as soon as she noticed me and her body language relaxed. "Ah, hello lovely. What's your name?"

"This is Lottie, uh, we... We're good friends!" Peter answered for me and May raised an eyebrow at him.

"I was actually asking your 'good friend' but thank you for filling me in. Never mind. It's nice to meet you, hon. Have you eaten? I have leftovers, or I could fix you both something quick?"

"Oh, I think I'm okay. Thank you very much, though. That's really kind of you." I smiled at May and she smiled back. Peter looked over to me and gestured upstairs.

"You can head up if you want, my room is just to the left. I'll meet you up there?"

// Peter's POV //

I watched as Lottie waved politely at Aunt May, then headed upstairs. She had a very sweet smile. Once she left my field of vision, I turned to face Aunt May and gave her a sheepish smile.

"I'm sorry I'm back late, again. I ran into Lottie on my way home and we ended up hanging out for a little while."

Aunt May raised her eyebrows and gave me a knowing look. I wasn't sure what she knew, but it was still scary.

"Surprisingly, I'm almost used to it now, Peter. I just wish you'd keep me a bit more updated." She sighed.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I'm... trying to do better."

The few days leading up to this had been crazy for me, so being home with Aunt May was more comforting than ever. I still wasn't sure what I could do with the stowaway upstairs though. Aunt May started heading towards the kitchen so I followed and took a seat at the table.

"So, tell me a little about your 'good friend'. I haven't heard you speak about her before." Aunt May smiled and raised her eyebrows as she sat opposite me.

"Oh, it's really not like that. At all. We, uh..." I paused, trying to fabricate a back story for our friendship on the spot. "We met at college, actually. She, uh, well we just walked right into each other on campus."

May looked at me as if she knew I was hiding something, but I guess she must have decided to keep what she wanted to say to herself. "Well, she seems lovely. Very pretty, too. So, does she stay on campus?"

I accidentally zoned out for a moment as my brain worked overtime to come up with Lottie's fake back story.

"Well, her family are actually from NY so she's just living at home." I nodded, silently praying that Lottie would go along with anything if asked about it. "That reminds me, actually. I've been meaning to ask, would it be OK if Lottie stayed with us for a little while? Just... family stuff and all that."

"Oh, of course she can." Aunt May replied with a sympathetic look on her face. "Poor girl, she can stay as long as she needs."

I smiled at her and nodded. "Thank you, Aunt May. She's very nice, I think you'll like her. Seems pretty hyper though."

Aunt May nodded and chuckled a little. We spoke for a little longer as I made a sandwich and quickly ate.

"I should probably head upstairs and check up on Lottie. I'll see you in the morning, love you." I kissed Aunt May on the cheek before heading up to my room.

As I pushed the door open, I spotted Lottie curled up on my chair sleeping. I dropped my bag under my desk and put my jacket away before I walked towards her. There was no way that chair was big enough for a comfortable night's sleep, so I very carefully lifted her up and moved her to my bed making sure to be quiet so I didn't wake her.

There, that should be much more comfortable.

I found a blanket draped over my chair and moved it to cover Lottie to make sure she was comfortable and warm. I packed away my suit, folding it up in a drawer inside my cupboard. I pressed the button to lock my bedroom door then sat down in the same chair I had just moved Lottie from.

I was becoming more and more intrigued by Lottie and her story. Sure, intrigued was one word for it.

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