Forgetfully birthday

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Madam Z called us for breakfast and I looked at my brother who was playing with a Barbie the church had given him for his birthday two years ago "Ollie it is time to eat let's go" he looked at me and walked over to his bed to tuck in the Barbie then he grabbed my hand so we could go downstairs to eat. Ollie sat down in his assigned seat which was in the middle of me and Zoey. I and Ollie were the oldest but because he is selectively mute and he doesn't get along with peers I am the one madam Z asks for help. Madam Z walked up to me and said "Reiko the food is in the kitchen, please pass it out to the Kids" I nodded and walked to the kitchen. I can back carrying one on each of my arms sticking them on straight to balance them and I two other plates in my hands I went around the table passing out the plate to everyone. When I was finished I sat down to eat and make sure Ollie ate.

Madam Z spoke after everyone was done eating "As you know we all know we have a birthday coming up" I smiled at the thought they remembered our birthday "yeah happy birthday Ollie collie" "happy birthday Rollie" "happy birthday dude" all the kids clapped and gave praise to Ollie who looked at me and Mouth a "sorry" then turned to Zoey and smiled at her. When Madam Z let us go to our room I threw myself on my bed I was so mad
how could they remember his birthday and not mine we are twins for crying out loud. we have the same birthday it is not that fucking hard.
I thought I accept the fact that my birthday was not important enough to celebrate after my 9th birthday but I was turning 14 in two weeks and every year when people forget me and remember him I still get sad. It is so stupid I punch the pillow and I grabbed it then hug it "I didn't mean it I'm sorry" I put the pillow back down and patted it then got up to go to the bathroom and clean up.


Ollie walked into our and crawled into my bed pushing his head under my arm so I was hugging him. I think he thought I was asleep but I wasn't but I didn't move and I felt him kiss my collar bone because he couldn't reach my head and I watched as his eyes fluttered shut, I listen to his heartbeat, I smiled at the thought that my birthday is so forgetfully that it should just be called "a forgetfully birthday" I closed my eyes and sighed

"Forgetfully birthday"

Crying from jealousy
is a painful feeling.

The worst kind of pain is getting hurt by the person you explained your pain to.

(509 words)

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