I am your baby

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I woke up and decided to wake up Reiko because today was her special day so I walked down the hall and I knocked on her door. I knocked three times because it is polite and when she didn't answer I walked in telling myself it was okay because she was asleep. Her bed was empty so I decided to check the bathroom rats it is empty I remembered a joke she loved to tell me about a closet so I ran there and I checked the closet praying that she doesn't jump out and give me a heart attack. The closet, her bed, and the bathroom were all empty where is my sister I checked in one last place inside all the cabinets my sister loved to hide in small spots especially when she got angry or if she was sick. No she wasn't in of the cabinets so I ran downstairs taking two at a time to get to the bottom faster than at the bottom I used everything I taught myself the previous week and I yelled "Reiko" I was proud of myself because her name rolled off of my tongue perfectly.


I heard footsteps on the stairs and I smiled waiting for my sister to walk down but to my disappointment, it was one of the kids oh I think this one is Ray. My smile faded but quickly went back up when I saw what Ray was wearing. Ray had on a black crop top shirt that said " property of Mommy" on it. who wears crop tops to bed? And who is her mommy I know Zero wouldn't get her that? Ray also had on some gray SpongeBob pants which are suitable for bedtime.

Ray walked up to me and said in a childlike and soft voice "make kookie lease" I nodded I needed something to take my mind off of Reiko I would tell them she was missing when Zero woke up

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Ray walked up to me and said in a childlike and soft voice "make kookie lease" I nodded I needed something to take my mind off of Reiko I would tell them she was missing when Zero woke up.

POV: Reiko

Eddie wants me to be his baby. Would I have to wear diapers? Would I have to eat mushy yucky baby food...okay the mushed banana one is good. Eddie rubbed my thigh, I blushed and I felt my heart stop for a quick second "so what do you think" I rolled my eyes "but I am not a baby" he nodded and let his hand sit on my thigh "not yet but soon you'll be as much of a baby as you feel on the inside" I sighed he isn't wrong sometimes I wish to be a baby again without all the bad stuff. I raised my hand out of habit and he chuckled at that "yes little one" I pouted at the name but I had some questions "okay so first what would I call you then or should I stick to Eddie" Eddie smiled widely but then his face went blank and he said "I think since your my baby daddy or mommy would be good but for now you can stick to Eddie if you want" I nodded. I tried to get down from the highchair and right when my left foot hit the floor Eddie was behind me "I have to take you out okay Reiko" I frowned a little I don't want him to put me back in I rolled my eyes and I climbed back in the chair and looked at Eddie "take me out then". Eddie smirked "I will get you out if you say it to me" I was confused so I just looked at him then I remembered I was supposed to be a baby so I said in a soft embarrassed voice

"I'm your baby"

I know it's over,
and it never really began,
but in my heart, it was so real.

If only you knew how much those little moments with
you matter to me.

(668 words)

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