He Didn't Obliviate Them || Newt Scamander

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The day had been a rather cold one, enough so that one could begin to see their own warm breaths as they hit the air. This, of course, should be expected for the middle of autumn. In no time at all, the temperatures would drop down into the single digits and a blanket of white will decorate England just in time for the holidays.

While you weren't a huge fan of cold weather, you did enjoy some of the simple pleasures the season brought. Sitting outside the local café enjoying a nice warm beverage was one. There was just something pleasantly calm about holding a warm mug in your hands while looking adorable in your favorite scarf and matching sweater, especially after all the walking you've done for the day.

That morning, your mother and sister had dragged you out to run a few errands which doesn't sound too terrible until considering the fact that a 'few errands' to your family was more like visiting every shop in the city by noon. Your poor soul was forced to follow them around, bored out of your mind until your gracious mother allowed you to head to the café early while they finished up the last of their shopping adventure.

Soaking up your 'break', you gave a content sigh before gently blowing on your beverage. After taking a small sip, you opened your eyes to a...rather strange surprise.

A small rodent-like creature sat on its hind legs on the table, seeming to perk up once seeing it had your attention. All you could do was stare at the animal in a mix of confusion and amazement, never seeing something quite like it before. You weren't sure what it was nor where it came from, but it was certainly adorable with it's fluffy black fur and small size, being tiny enough for you to fit it in the palm of your hand if you dared to try, but of course, that wouldn't be wise seeing that you had yet to identify the little fellow.

You instead glanced around, wondering if anyone else was seeing it, too, however, it turned out you were the only one brave enough to be sitting in the outside sitting area during the given time of year.

As if it would give you some sort of answer as to what it was or what it was doing, you spoke softly to the creature who titled its head in curiosity at your words," why hello there, little one. Where did you come from?"

The mystery creature retained eye contact with you as it inched forward slowly, leaning out ever so slightly once reaching the end of the table. You held your hands out just below it, fearing that it may loose its balance and fall. For a moment, you even thought that, perhaps, the cute little critter was reaching for you. How silly of you.

The creature suddenly took hold of your shiny bracelet, having to give a good couple of tugs to pull it free of your wrist. Making quick work of its thievery, it had already stuffed its new treasure into its pouch and leap off the table before you even had time to realize you were being robbed.

"Hey! Come back here!" Instantly forgetting about your beverage, you jumped out of your seat, giving chase.

The tiny thief was fast, having no trouble scurrying down the crowed street, but you were determined not to loose your bracelet. You were so determined, in fact, that you payed more attention to the ball of black fur than your surroundings. Perhaps this is why you only saw the creature dived past a pair of legs and into a tipped over crate apart of a store display. What you failed to notice was the man the legs belonged to who, unlike everyone else on the street, actually noticed the creature's escape, bending down to peer inside the crate it disappeared in. By the time you had noticed him, it was far too late.

You both gasped when you ran into the poor gentleman, knocking him to the ground. Just like that, you forgot all about your bracelet and the thief who had the audacity to peek outside of the crate to see what the commotion was about before going back to carefully inspecting its treasure once more.

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