By The Pool Lights || Armin Arlert

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The buzz of music can be heard from where it booms inside, blending with the shouting voices of a rather large gathering of drunken college students which shakes the house walls. It's a bit surprising that no one's moved the party outside yet, but perhaps that's a blessing since doing so would no doubt run their luck dry of not having the police show up for a noise complaint.

Honestly, if Armin could leave, he would, however, seeing that it's his roommates who decided to throw 'the best party this state has ever seen' in their shared home, he'll likely remain stuck wallowing in his own self-pity and annoyance until at least 2:00 am judging on how (surprisingly) long Eren can chug beer before blacking out.

Looking back at it now, he supposes he can't be too angry considering he's the one who eventually gave into his best friend's begging. Armin had been strictly against the idea of a massive party from the moment his roommates first proposed it, managing to firmly hold his ground against them, that was, until a particular proposal was made. It's funny how only a few words can crumble someone's entire willpower like that, turning them into a stumbling mess who's desperate enough to succumb to even the stupidest of Eren's plans.

While his roommates wanted to appear popular by outshining the competition, Armin had agreed to the party solely because he- get ready for it- wanted to impress someone. More importantly, he wanted to impress you; his sweet classmate whose smile never fails to light a fire within his heart and occupy every section of his mind regardless of whether you're actually present in the room. The boy is truly whipped for you which is, unfortunately, no secret to his friends. Needless to say, they've gotten pretty tired of suffering the whole 'will-they, won't-they' trope that's been going on all semester.

Jean not only claimed to have gone to the same high school as you, but swore to Armin that the party would be the perfect opportunity for him to gain your attention. All he had to do was invite you then once you show up, maybe make some joke about cheap alcohol, sneak in a few flirty remarks, and boom! Arlert returns from spring break with a new significant other! 'Easy' said Eren and Jean, two heart breakers with a line of admirers.

Armin had little faith in the plan at first. When he first approached you in between classes, he couldn't get a single word right regardless of his week-long rehearsals meaning Eren had to hang over his shoulder to translate the poor boy's stumbling for you. To Armin's utter shock, you chuckled and asked for the address. Not only that, but on Friday you waved to him after class, telling him you'd see him at the party. Was the universe finally on his side for once? Did he actually stand a chance with you? Of course not!

Everyone had agreed- no promised- that they'd only invite close friends in order to keep the party minimal. Nothing too crazy, just something big enough to become 'the cool kids', but as the minutes ticked on, the number of party goers continued to increase, growing from friends to random students Armin's never even seen before.

At first, he tried to ignore the amount of people while searching for you. He scanned every face and listened in on each conversation, hoping that he'd find you alone somewhere so that he could carry on with the plan. All he had to do was walk up to you and start talking which was already a difficult feat to accomplish in such an imitating presences because, let's be honest, you're imitating with those sparkling eyes of yours and your contagious joy and-...and to say Armin's heart cracked once finally hearing your unmistakable laughter is an understatement.

Normally, he doesn't get involve in stupid college riviaries, but tonight, he's found himself cursing those damned Marley students with as much vigor as his friend's known for, especially that damned Galliard guy who had his arm leaned against the wall above your head, telling you some joke that was probally really lame yet you were laughing more than Armin's ever seen you laugh before.

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