one - discovery

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"How could you!" I questioned my father, as he paced back and forth through the kitchen with his hands placed over his head.

He paused, "Max please just let me explain." He placed his hand on my shoulder. I quickly pushed it off, storming into my bedroom. I didn't know what to believe, maybe I should accept the fact and hide it from my mother. But I simply couldn't let that happen.

I sat angrily on my bed, with so many thoughts flowing through my head. Until suddenly the noise of my distressed father pounding eagerly on the door began to distract me from my thoughts. My head began to pulse, forcing me to fall over in pain. I pressed my fingers on my temple, and the noise still didn't stop.

I sat up slowly, and glance at my dresser next to my door as it shook from the sudden hard strikes. I concentrate on the object to focus my mind on something else until unexpectedly the cupboard flew at lighting speed landing hard on the floor. An electric wave shot through my hand ending at my fingertips which made me gasp in agony.

"Stop!" I scream covering my ears. But the noise still didn't stop, he began to tell excuses. I stood up deliberately and glared at the door until the door began to crumble, the wood split into tiny several slivers until All I could see was the shocked look on my dad's face as he backed up into the wall. Until everything went black.


It's hasn't even been one week since I discovered my powers. But before I could explain my parents made an executive decision to send me away for a while. My father convinced my mother I destroyed my room because of a disagreement. He doesn't know what to believe from that day and he hasn't questioned me about it since.

My mother didn't hesitate to agree with my father about delivering me to Golden Mount Academy for troubled teenagers.

The conversation on our journey was kept to a very minimum as I chose to ignore their rambling with my music. The scenery was more beautiful than I thought it would be, and that was hard to admit. Everything was stone with trees covered with moss and mushrooms. But the mushrooms seemed unusually big for Oregon but nothing surprises me anymore.

Eventually, we made it. It was a much bigger building than I expected. I stared at the vast building that was approaching in the distance. My eyes widened as a viewed a castle-like building. I leaned forward and touched my hand to the window. The castle was brown and old with vines and greenery growing out of it. Making it clear we were at the right spot with the words Golden Mount written in substantial letters, I can already tell I wasn't going to get used to this easily. My father pulled up to the entrance of the school. I stepped out of the car unwillingly and had my awkward goodbye with my parents, they didn't say much but my father looked relieved but on the other hand, my mother looked disappointed.

I slowly began to walk away from my parents down a small concrete path. Making my way up the stone stairs, finishing off the small journey by pushing the grand door open. Inside, a beautiful grand staircase was the first thing to catch my eye, I glanced over at a little waiting room with padded beige chairs, a light blue carpet, and awards cluttering the walls. It was amazingly quiet in the building making me feel uncomfortable as the only sound we're multiple clocks ticking at once. I then hear someone clear their voice, I spin around taking my headphones out of my ear, to see little women dressed in formal dress, making me instantly feel underdressed in my black jeans a sweatshirt.

"Maxine?" She asked her voice was deeper than I expected and sounded a bit strict.

"Uh...Yes." I replied. Her old eyes glared at me.

"Welcome to Golden Mount." she holds her arms showing off the building, "You showed up at a bad time everyone is in class." she paused, "But for today you can just get settled in." as we walked to my room she went over my classes highlighting the best routes, she left me alone at the door of my room letting me know the rules.

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