six - something planned

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I quickly shut the envelope and put it exactly where I found it. I wanted nothing more than to erase my memory, but the more I didn't want to think about it the more I did. Why would she have those? And most importantly who took them? The pictures were not set up, they were taken from behind walls or from a faraway location zoomed in.

I got a good enough look to know it was Seventy and Joy, and I was sure about that. But the thing that was pondering in my head was what was I going to tell them or "him" specifically. What if it was some sort of kink thing as if they were into that sort of photography. Or they were getting spied on while doing the deed. But if it was something they bad, why would Joy hide the photos and how would she have them in the first place?

My head began to ache from all the unknown questions in my head. It was too damn early for this.

I first thing I did from there was grab my bathroom bag and an outfit to change into.

Showering in a communal bathroom wasn't ever something I thought I'd ever had to do. But gladly I was in there alone. My back was turned from the water, and I just stood there feeling the hot water rinse down my body. I felt the most relaxed since I'd gotten here. I finally washed and dried, but slowly changed because I knew it wasn't time for class still.

I stood at the mirror and whipped the fog off, I looked at myself for a couple of seconds, then I reached into my bag and pulled out a tube of mascara. I usually never wear makeup, only for special events. But today I felt like feeling pretty. For no one in particular only me, I had to tell myself.

As soon as I was done the door flew open of the bathroom, and girls were starting to fill up the showers. I gathered all my things and made my way back to my room. I looked around me as I walked back to my room. I see people smiling, laughing, some had headphones on others sat lonely on the ground.

I would never expect any of these people at a place like this, but I never really expected myself to be here either. I turned the corner to my room and stopped when I see Elliot back pushed against my door.

"Elliot?" He looked up from the ground and my eyes meet his smile, "How did you know my room was here, have you been following me?"

"Did you forget that drama queen lives here too?" He said.

"About drama Queen-." I paused.


"Oh did I say something?" I chocked. My eyes widened, but luckily he shook off that remark. I opened my door and he followed me inside, "I thought boys weren't allowed to come over here?"

He sat on my bed laid his back down and looked up at the ceiling, "I can stop time Max, you think I'm worried about breaking rules." He laughed.

"Woah, I didn't know I was in a room with such a rule breaker." I rolled my eyes. He readjusted himself so his arms were crossed behind his head and his eyes could watch me as I put my bathroom things away. I walked over to my desk chair and pulled it out so I can sit next to him.

"Did you know your eyes had some gray in them?" He noted.

"Only sometimes, it depends on the day," I replied awkwardly. We sat there for a couple of seconds, while I tried to avoid eye contact. Elliot is the first boy I have ever had in my room before, and I wasn't quite sure how to act.

"What did you do last night?"

"Oh uh." Did I want to tell Elliot about Daniel? "Nothing went to bed pretty early." I lied.

"Good, because tonight I have something planned." He smirked, sitting up now facing me still.

"Oh no, what now?" The last time Elliot had something planned I fell in front of strangers with superpowers.

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