seven - sneaking out

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I ran quickly over to my closet grabbed a sweater like Elliot told me and slipped on my nearest sneakers. I ran back to my window and they were still there.

"How do you expect me to get down?" I asked. I was on the first floor but the foundation of this old building was thick. I peered down from my window saw the ground, and looked back at Elliot.

He huffed and began to walk towards me, "Swing your legs over, I got you." I did as he said, he held my waist above his head, and lifted me with ease. I felt his biceps flex until my feet hit the ground.

"Thanks," I reacted, he smiled the same beautiful smile Elliot always had. Are those the lips I saw in my dream? He let go of my waist and started to walk away I followed.

"Max this is Seven, I know you have seen him before but here he is again." He spoke quickly as he walked.

"Mad Max." He held his fist waiting to receive a fist bump, and I agreed. Seven was the boy in the photos, I've seen more of his body than he knows. It made me shiver thinking about it, "I've heard a lot about you, Elliot can't seem to shut up about you." Elliot elbowed Seven.

"He's making that up." Elliot objected, "and keep your voice down." I followed closely behind Elliot and Seven, as they ducked when they walked and peered their heads around buildings.

Tonight was a beautiful night. The breeze slid through my hair and formed goosebumps under my sweatshirt. But it gave me a sense of freedom doing things under my control and not my parents.

We were heading to the meeting grounds. The first place where I meet Elliot. The woods were dark this time of night, and the trees completely blocked the moonlight. The only sounds were squish of the earth's floor below us, and the whispers between the boys. I watched my feet stepping over fallen trees and brush, doing my best to keep my balance. Pulling a fern back, we approached the dim opening. The field seemed so much bigger at night, the soft breeze rustled the unkept grass. The flowers seemed to be glistening in the moonlight as if they'd been immersed in fairy dust.

"Where are they?" Seven spoke breaking my astonishment. Seven was taller standing up, and his hair was pulled effortlessly into a thick bun in the back of his head with hair flying in every which way. I can see why Joy dated him, he was attractive.

"I don't know, why don't you go get them?" Elliot replied.

"I'm saving my energy to impress Max," I widened my eyes, "Don't worry it's not too scary." He ended his sentence with an unencouraging chuckle. I couldn't reply because I flinched at a twig breaking behind a large Beach tree, that sat at the other corner of the area.

Walking from the darkness, two boys emerged one hooded the other with only a t-shirt on, greeted the other youths with shrug smiles.

"Max, here we have our mastermind Key." Elliot pointed at the boy with the shirt on, he gave me a warm smiling offering a hand to shake.

"Hello Max, it's nice to see you again." His voice was incredibly mature for a teenager, "Have you decided if you are escaping this place with us?"

"Oh, I'm not sure yet." that was my only answer, because honestly, I haven't made up my mind.

"That's alright, come to me if you have any questions," he paused, "because sometimes Elliot isn't always quite there."

"Hey, dick I can hear you," Elliot answered. I smiled at their friendliness, "Oh and Max this is Daniel."

Daniel the hooded boy, stood behind the crowd of boys. I already knew him but the rest of them didn't know that. I smiled at him politely, but he didn't react. But I can tell his eyes were saying much more. Elliot awkwardly chuckled at the interaction and continued in the conversation.

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