two - made aware

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Before I could say anything else he was already gone. The rock fell, suddenly causing me to lose focus taking my eyes off the boy. I shook my head aware of the circumstances that just occurred. I couldn't let that boy get away with knowing my secret.

"Hey!" I called out beginning to follow him through the wilderness but this time there was no path, knowing by the time I'm done with this I'm going to have scrapped knees. But he didn't look back, I couldn't tell if he was scared or surprised by the way he walked, it didn't seem like either. "Stop!" I yelled this time he stopped, causing me to pause dead in my tracks, he seemed to be mumbling to himself.

"Hello?" I question? He stopped and slowly turning giving me a clear view of his face. He could have been my age maybe a little younger, and black hair styled on the top of his head. His skin was smooth, a bright honey color that looked shiny even on this dull day; his eyes were beautiful and shined making me calmer than before. The only way to describe him is beautiful. But his looks couldn't distract me by the word that came out of his mouth.

"We don't have room for another one." He spoke quietly to himself, I raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" I questioned. His eyes locked with mine, his eyes were soft as before, making me almost want to awe his presence, "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm sorry." He looked down at his feet, "For running it is not every day you find someone with your abilities." He spoke calmly but his lips seemed to smile when he talked.

"What do you know about my-" I paused, "Abilities?" He began to walk towards me taking a seat on a log that has fallen, and I follow curious about the answer.

"I don't exactly know the answer, because I've never met someone like you." He didn't seem scared, "I believe it to be Psychokinesis or Telekinesis, I read up on it once."

I leaned back trying to understand, "So you're telling me I'm Jean Grey?" He laughed.

"I hope not." He replied and his smile faded for a second.

"Can we just agree to keep this a secret between us, the whole powers thing? It wouldn't be good if it got out." He said, I vigorously nodded.

It didn't take much time for the sun to begin to go down as it hit dawn. I followed him through the woods back to the school.

"How did you end up here?" he questioned as I caught up with his pace.

"oh uh... I caught my dad cheating on my mom and I kind of went off." The thought made me sick to my stomach.

"Sorry to hear that."

"What about you?"

"Regular adolescent delinquent type of thing skipping school, drinking, getting into fights. My parents couldn't control me so they had no choice." I nodded after he spoke not sure what to say, "It was such a weird day when my parents told me. I got so mad I passed out." He laughed.

"I never got your name." I stopped at the back of the building where I exited before.

"Elliot." he smiled, "And you?"

"Max," I replied.

"I will see you tomorrow, and remember to keep yourself a secret." With that, he was gone.

I couldn't tell whether I was relieved or worried, the thought of somebody knowing wasn't what I was worried about it was the thought of how people would treat me if they did know. But Elliot seemed truthful with his words and I just hope he isn't lying to me.

I hurried inside to my room without any attention on me, happy he hasn't told anyone yet. Quickly opened my door and shut it behind me, shutting my eyes slowly.

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