The Grand Reveal

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Mari POV
After school I got a text.

From : Bestiee
To : Clumsy bug
"Heyy this is Alya. I know this message is short, but you seriously scared me that you were going to reveal your identity Mari. Also, who is your soulboy 😏😏😏? Coming to your house at 2 PM."

I texted her back.

From : Clumsy bug
To : Bestiee
Sup Als, yes I am free at 2. Its Adrien.

Like two seconds later, I got a reply.

From: Bestiee
To : Clumsy bug
Woohoo! My ship has sailed! And also, I didn't ask to come at 2 PM. I SAID I'm coming.

From : Clumsy bug
To : Bestiee
Whatever, same difference. What about your mark?

Alya POV
The moment I read Marinette's text, I blushed. No one was going to see me blush, but I still liked my soulmate, which was Nino. He said he got his mark too, which meant he knew. Wow Alya, a full analysis report and conclusion : Nino likes me. I said I'm going to be  a reporter!

From : Bestiee
To : Clumsy bug
Oh come on, its Nino.

From : Clumsy Bug
To: Bestiee
I knew it! My ship has sailed!

From : Bestiee
To : Clumsy bug

From : Clumsy bug
To : Bestiee
You get how annoying it is? Now go for him, Miss. Reporter!

From : Bestiee
To : Clumsy bug
OK mom :)

I switched to Nino's chat.
From : the love of my life 😍😏
To : crush 😘😍
Umm... Hi, Nino.

Instantly it was read.

From : crush 😘😍
To : the love of my life 😍😏
Oh! Uh, hi?

This is gonna be a long day.

Thats it for today. I know I wrote 271 words unlike I said but I have school just like you and if not I have other work like chores classes tuition and another book I'm working on, Its called "Too Tall - Adrienette AU" which's first chapter will come on February 3rd, 2022 (my birthday). Check it out then. Hope you liked this chapter. Okay love ya guys and girls and ba-bye! Good night! ( or morning, midnight, early morning, late night, afternoon,l late afternoon, early afternoon, noon, early evening, late evening, evening or whatever it is for u) Bug Out!

A red string and mark leading to him - MiraculousWhere stories live. Discover now