Breaking her heart

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Adrien POV

I hated to do this.

From: Adrienn
To: Mari
Marinette I like you, but... I'm sorry. I love someone else.

From: Mari
To: Adrienn
I knew it! This had to ruin whatever we had - even a friendship. Alya was wrong. I'm sorry.

From: Adrienn
To: Mari
OF COURSE NOT! Sorry about the caps. We're still... I don't want to say this, but friends.

To: Adrienn
I... um thanks? I'm glad we're still friends :)

From: Adrienn
To: Mari
Are you okay?

From: Mari
To: Adrienn
Of course! I mean yes, I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be okay?

To: Mari
You sure??

Mari POV

Of course I'm not okay. When the love of your life rejects you, will you just be okay? Now I get how Cat Noir feels. I wish I could be with him if not Ladybug but we are not soulmates. But I can still date him... right?

From: Mari
To: Adrienn 
Yeah, don't worry about me.

I burst into tears and Alya comforted me. (A/N she's not dramatic, poor girl loved him for so long. Rejected Luka and Chat for him. Did everything for him. He just... liked someone else this whole time.) She's so sweet. I hate my life. Everything in it, except my friends, Alya, Cat Noir, Luka, Kagami, Mom and Dad, everyone else I know, and Adrien. The only thing I hate in it is myself.  

Time skip to next day because I'm too lazy XD

I didn't want the whole world to know why I was dull and my heart was low. But Alya told everyone that my soulmate rejected me and they all comforted me sweetly. Except Adrien, who was absent and sick "coincidently" that day. Everyone was talking non stop bad about my "mystery soulmate". I couldn't take it anymore and said, "You're not making me happier by taking ill about Adrien. He didn't mean to." Then I covered my mouth, realising what I just said.

"What!?" everyone screamed.
"It's not Adrien's fault." I said, embarrassed of what I just said.
Then one of Adrien's fangirl came and said, "Shut up. You're just a gold digger who's bragging about your soulmate when Adrien is actually my soulmate."
"What!? But that's not possible!" I screamed.
"Of course it is possible, liar." she replied rudely.
"But... I have a mark and I can prove it to you! It's not possible to have 2 soulmates!" I said.
Everyone agreed. "Marinette would never lie!"
"Oh really, prove it, how can you be so sure!?" she screeched.
I took off my shirt (do not worry there was a crop-top like a shirt but not covering her shoulders) and showed her my mark. She gasped.
"How dare you! That's a tattoo! The real soulmate mark is here, on my leg, not on your stupid shoulder."
Alya got really annoyed and poured a bucket full of cold water on her leg. The supposedly paint washed off and she turned red and ran away. We laughed.

But was Marinette right? Can you have two soulmates? 

A red string and mark leading to him - MiraculousOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz