Broken Hearted

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Italic text = Thoughts of the person who's Point Of View it is

Chat Noir POV
It sting as I said, "He's just her type."
"I see. Chat Noir, why would you go for a girl who doesn't love you for... the real you?" she said, almost in tears. What? Wait, she's crying? Why would she cry? I'm just seeing things.
"Because I love her, Marinette. 
"I get it. It's just that feeling called love. You can't control your heart. And, this love is so complicated," she said sighing, deep in thought.
She's so understanding. Wait, what am I thinking!? Well, I guess I can think good about her, as a friend, because she's kind, and stuff, you know? I guess.
"Yeah. I know right. I'm stuck between her and another girl who loves me."
"Wow, I'm so much like you. I've gotten my heart broken and been rejected numerous amount of times and... I still can't give up on...him. Yet I have Luka." she said.
"Uh-huh. Wait! Did I just say that out aloud?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded.
"I guess the ones who we love are just like us. Broken hearted." she said. So, so true! She is broken hearted, so is Kagami.

Marinette POV
"I guess the ones who we love are just like us. Broken hearted." I said. I said this cautiously, double checking the facts for me. YEP, Chat and Luka are broken hearted. As I sat there mourning for Adrien's love and Chat literally mourning for my love in front of me, I decided I would finally give him a chance. Then I saw the string on his finger. I was sad for him, his soulmate wouldn't be Ladybug. Wait! Only soulmates can see each other's string. I saw that in the news! No, no, no. The news must be fake, or I must be seeing things. Was I getting hallucinations? I was dying inside. But I maintained my cool and came back to the topic.

"You want someone so badly and unrationally (Is that a word lol) , but you never get them."
"I couldn't agree more."

338 words gonna update later I'm too lazy now XD

A red string and mark leading to him - MiraculousWhere stories live. Discover now