Chapter 2: Draco Malfoy

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter. If I did, Percy would be bisexual.

Chapter 2: Draco Malfoy

It all happened so fast. One minute he was doing his daily taunting of Potter between classes and the next Potter is stumbling back right into the path of a Hufflepuff passing by to get to class. A Hufflepuff with the fiercest glare he has ever seen. He didn't give her much thought though. Hufflepuffs were too afraid of just about everything to ever come near him and if one ever did come too close his sharp words will shoo them away just as quick as the name of the dark lord. But apparently, this was one of the braver Hufflepuffs, following in the footsteps of the late Cedric Diggory. She even had the audacity to talk to him and maybe even pity him. Why else would she give him the benefit of the doubt? But again, he didn't give her too much thought and tried to shoo her off. Instead, this seemed to aggravate her further as she began to stalk up to him. He didn't move. He was not going to give this 'puff the satisfaction of intimidating him.

That changed quickly when he met her eyes. They were a mesmerizing shade of green that was almost like a moving picture of the sea. Waves of green and blue seemed to clash with one another in a never-ending battle for dominance on their journey to the black island that is the pupil. And like the sea, her eyes were just as expressive and dangerous and held just as many secrets. Her glare was one of ultimate dominance and power like that of a wolf. It was terrifying and effective. She stopped before him.

60 seconds. That was all it took for her to break through his walls and defenses. And he hated it. Now it was his turn.

One reason. Well he only had one chance at this so he had to read the eyes to the sea carefully and find something to poke at. But it was almost impossible and he was getting to old for the 'daddy card' as some put it. He was in Azkaban anyway so his father couldn't do anything even if he wanted to. He was surprised to find that other than anger, frustration, and sorrow that could rival his own, he found nothing. No emotion of hate or disgust or fear towards him lay in her eyes. And he couldn't fathom why. But that was of little consequence now anyway. She hated him like everyone else and if still not now then soon enough.

In the end he settled for the generic, "I'll make your life hell."

That still seemed to hit a nerve of some kind for it to warrant the horrifying yet confusing reaction. Her smile was brittle and fake and her laugh was so bitter he could taste it in the air. Then her hollow whisper of challenge was cringe worthy. What had caused her such pain that it could felt by another such as himself. He was cold and heartless yet even he yearned to learn of her secrets to share her burden.

30 seconds. That's all it took for him to succumb to her challenge and fight his own battle.

20 seconds. In 20 seconds the fight was over with him stuck in slow motion. So at least it should been over.

10 seconds. 10 seconds to shout, "Reducto" and watch the spell throw a girl off a floor to her death.

It also took 10 seconds to find out that she didn't die and was now enraged.

5 seconds to be disarmed.

And one second to remember all that happened and to realize that she was now leaving.

It all happened so fast. Once the spell wore off, he acted in the fastest way he could think to the girl who was now moving to leave. He grabbed her wrist with the intention of asking her for her name or to have the final word, he didn't know, but he felt compelled to do so. That he couldn't just let this end, couldn't just let her leave him. So he grabbed her wrist and that proved to be an almost fatal mistake.

It all happened so fast. One second he was holding her wrist and the next a pain bloomed in his abdomen causing him to double over. At the clock's next tick he was on the ground with a girl roughly pinning him down and on the tock his fist was ramming itself into her face, drawing blood from her split lip.

Tick. His arm joined the rest of his body firmly on the ground.

Tock. "Albino? What the shit are you doing?"

Tick. 'Albino?' He thought affronted.

Tock. "I could bloody well ask you same question."

Tick. Footsteps pounded their way down the hall and he breathed out in relief. While the girl above him didn't seem to notice, she had her wand pointed right at his head and the heir of the ancient and noble house of Malfoy did not want to push his luck any farther.

Tock. The weight above him disappeared and arms pulled him up off the ground.

Tick. He shrugged off the arms and turned to leave only to be face to face with Professor Snape.

It seemed that second by second his life was unraveling before him. He couldn't fathom how he ended up here of all places. The Black Lake.


Hey, Infinity here! Sorry for the short chapter but this is more of a filler chapter of Draco's reaction to their confrontation. I'm also not all that great at capturing male characters so tell me what you guys think. Also the next chapter will further the plot, I promise. See you guys next chapter!

-Live fast and burn bright, Infinity.

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