Chapter 9: All Hallows Eve - Part IV

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Disclaimer: Don't own, Don't sue

Chapter 9: All Hallows Eve - Part IV

Draco Malfoy was, for once, having a half decent day. This morning's buffet contained some of his favorite pastries, the sun seemed to want to peek out from the clouds, and it was Halloween. Though he could do with out all the gossip that circulated around the school on these sorts of occasions, Draco really did enjoy the holiday. On this day he would remember some of the depressingly few fond memories he had of his childhood. Still so easily awed by magic, his parents would use theirs to perform some tricks that, on any other day, would earn a sneer of disgust from the purebloods.

Within the Wizarding world, October was often a time of celebration; a time where their world and the world of muggles can tangle closer than any other time of the year. Hazy and haunted, wizards seemed to revel in their magic during this time and the Malfoys were no different.

And of course they all dressed up. The lady of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Malfoy would dress as the muggle version of a witch every year. She seemed to enjoy the irony. Lord Malfoy would change his costume every couple of years, sometimes dressing as Merlin, sometimes as other historical wizards with as much accuracy as he could manage, and sometimes as a Vampire. Which just so happens to be what Draco chose for this year's costume. He knew it would piss off Granger, what with her current campaign against offensive costumes of the "Marginalized Magical Community" as she put it*. He brought the tackiest muggle costume he could find in London just for this (though he did replace the polyester cape for a silk one lined with fur - he wouldn't be caught dead in that monstrosity).

He was correct in his assumption. He hadn't taken two steps into the repurposed Great Hall before Granger was in his face preaching about how wrong this and that was and something or the other. He wasn't really listening, just watching as she got progressively more red in the face. He smirked. "And what are you supposed to be?"

She stopped her rant, midsentence, blinked at him for a second, then answered testily, "The White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland."

That explained the rabbit ears on her head, the big round clock hanging from her neck, along with the white poofy dress she wore with a jacket that looked stolen from a 17th century naval officer. But that didn't explain the other two that always seem to be trailing after the witch.

Glancing over Granger's shoulder, he saw that both boys were wearing what looked to be stereotypical French outfits, adorned with berets and stripped shirts. The only difference between them was the picture of bread on Potter's chest and the heavy metal make up on Weasley's face. He didn't bother hiding his snort at the sight of them.

"And them?" Pouring as much derision into the question as possible.

Potter spoke up first. "I'm French Toast, " his statement quickly followed by Weasley pointing at himself and proclaiming, "French Kiss."

He couldn't help it. He laughed. Out loud. A true and genuine laugh that shook his whole body and brought tears to his eyes. By the time he caught his breath his cheeks hurt and he found himself - briefly - beaming at the school's golden trio. He caught himself quickly enough for neither Potter or Weasley to notice but Granger - the observant bugger - looked startled for the briefest moment before her expression morphed into something odd. Ron Weasley on the other hand seemed to take offence to his laughing fit. Red in the face and fuming, he stomped up to Granger's side and demanded to know what exactly was so funny. Potter silently stepped up to Granger's other side. A united front - disgusting.

His usual sneer now well in place (do that enough and you'll get wrinkles his mother's voice chided him) Draco responded with disturbingly easy venom.

"You both look absolutly rediculous. Those have to be both the dumbest ideas and ugliest costumes I've ever had the displeasure to notice. You really would have made a great tomato though, Weasley."

And Ron only got redder under all his make up at the suggestion. He looked a second away from lashing out. Good. That might distract Granger from staring at him like a he was a new species to dissect. Potter seemed to realize the situation too, glancing quickly between Ron and Hermione before elbowing Granger in the side. The witch startled from whatever thought she'd been busy with before also glancing around her. Noticing Ron about to have a fit she quickly grabbed the two Gryffindor wizards and pulled them away from Draco, throwing a final dirty look over her shoulder to combat his smirk as they walk off.

The Malfoy heir didn't look to see where they went. He had won this match (as he usually did) and so was off to find some better company and something to drink. His throat felt awfully dry.

~ ζ ~

Hermione quietly stashed her wand back into her jacket pocket before sitting a raging Ron down at one of the tables.

~ ζ ~

After getting himself a glass of punch and finding a huddle of Slytherins around a tall table near the center, if off to the side, of the Great Hall, Draco was settling in for the rest of the dance, when there was a commotion by the door. By the door, someone had entered and was causing quite the stir as - almost like a ripple - everyone turned to look at the presumed stranger. Even the Slytherins eagerly, if covertly, turned their attention to the brewing catastrophe in the making.

Murmurings could be heard but Draco was at a loss as to what was going on. Who was it? He cast a questioning glance back at his housemates but most - to his ire - didn't notice, trying on their own to figure out who was the mystery person. Only Pansy noticed and shrugged in answer. "It's a girl, that's all I know."

Oh, well that makes sense. So, it's just a bunch of boys drooling over a girl, wonderful. How boring.

Draco rolled his eyes and turned back to his drink. And just when he was hoping for some excitement.

~ ζ ~

Over the course of the dance (where he danced with a few girls but mostly stuck with his own band), Draco found himself increasingly more thirsty. It wasn't too odd at first - the Great Hall currently hosted two huge fireplaces that roared with tall scorching flames - but it passed the point of ridiculousness when he found himself spending more time by the punch bowl (or cauldron as it was) than by his friends. Deciding to get a glass of water instead of punch this time, he turned away from the poorly flirting Ravenclaw girl to make his way to the snack table.

Only to walk straight into someone, spilling what little alcohol Pansy had been able to sneak in on the offender's shoes. Leather heels, she was lucky it was vodka he spilled and not mead. That would have been a real bastard to clean off.


Blinking, Draco looked up and started without thinking, "You should've been lookin'..." And tilted his head back some more before he met his offender's eyes - and just stopped.

Green. Her eyes were green.

Green eyes widened when the girl recognized him too.

He repeated her earlier sentiment.


~ ζ ~
Hello, hello! I've risen from the dead to update lol. Sorry for the cliffhanger, just thought it appropriate (it being Halloween and all). This IMHO isn't my best chapter but I hope you like it and have a great Halloween! Thanks for sticking with me, I've just started college this year so it's hectic. Hopefully I'll get the hang of everything so by next semester I can actually update more often (no promises tho lol).

**note: I thought that Draco would absolutely hate SJWs (Social Justice Warriors) and Hermione is basically the wizarding equivalent so yeah. Draco totally picks fights with the trio just for the fun of it. (Also the author doesn't share his hate of SJWs nor does she condone bullying just a disclaimer lol).

Happy Halloween everyone!

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