Chapter 1: The Flashback Pt. 2

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Today was the day! It must be the very first time in my life that I woke up before my alarm went off. I smiled widely at the roof, picturing the events I had planned for today. Ew, spider web right on the corner. I'd have to deal with that later because God knew I had a busy day. And it had to come out right, it just had to. To make sure of it, I'd start the day with the right foot. I stretched my arms all the way to the other side of my Queen size bed, looking for my lucky charm bracelet, sitting on my nightstand like every day.

"Good morning babe. What a beautiful smile" Jason mumbled into the pillow, still half asleep. When he fluttered his eyes open, his lips curled in a sweet grin I returned gladly.

"I'm seriously going to charge you rent if you keep crashing here" I chuckled while rearranging some strands of his hair that had fallen on his sleepy face.

"As long as Paulie doesn't find out. Remember his 'no boys' rule" my boyfriend imitated his dark and serious voice, making me bark with laughter.

"Ugh, don't remind me. He gave me a long lecture about that right before I moved in" I groaned while I tried really hard for my back to pop so I could get on with my day, regardless of the many warnings from my guardian not to do so.

"Don't remind me. He gave me a lecture as well" Jason countered before getting himself up and off to get changed into the school's uniform he had discarded on a chair. The buzzer on the door startled us a bit, but I remained calmed, already knowing what it was.

"Breakfast is here" I announced happily before putting on my robe to keep me warm while my boyfriend followed me with his eyes curiously. "What? You didn't think I'd cook for myself, did you?" I smirked at his innocence before I walked to the door to receive the very much needed food.

As we both rode to school, I couldn't help but fidget all the way there. I hadn't told anyone what I had done, mostly to spare myself from giving explanations I didn't want to give. I could tell the boy next to me could sense something was up with me, for a while now. He had tried to bring up the subject in his own way but I had my walls all the way up when it came to that matter. I had reached a decision, and whether it was the right one or not, I'd stick to it to the end.

Later that day, when we walked into our classroom, everyone came to the realization it wasn't going to be just another day. There on the teacher's desk stood a giant and juicy watermelon with tons of elastic bands around it, dangerously squeezing the middle of the fruit. The artifact threatened to explode any time if anyone tried to touch it or even get too close to it. I realize how silly it sounds, but who could focus on class with that watermelon about to go 'BOOM'?

"Holly shit. There must be like 400 bands there!" Carton shouted in excitement at the sight of the perhaps best prank of the year. Thank you very much.

"453" I corrected him quickly and way too accurately. "Just sayin'" I shrugged my shoulders before focusing on finishing my homework before the teacher showed up at the door. My prank and Jason had kept me busy the day before.

"Are you crazy?" Jazz asked me in disbelief but we didn't have time for it, since the teacher then made her entrance.

Her eyes quickly posed on the fruit placed on the wooden desk, assesing it carefully as if it was a real bomb. I couldn't help to roll my eyes at that, thinking that if I were her, I wouldn't go crazy over a stupid prank. But I knew she would.

"Whoever did this, better come forward before the consequences lie on you" Mrs. Legget spoke furiously to us but we all played dumb. Ok, the rest was innocent. I played dumb.

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