Chapter 7-The Waiting Period Includes Bowling?

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-You're not broken, just bent ~Pink-

Chapter 7

"So tell me what the point of all this is then?" I ask Rachael as she turns off the car. "You dragged me out of the house and you're currently taking my precious time from me when I could be doing something useful. Like sleeping or starring at a white wall like I'm so accustomed to doing."

"And what kind of friend would I be if I let you do that? What's so fun about starring at a white wall?"

I stop unbuckling my seat belt. Did she actually just ask me that, for real? Seriously?

"Maybe it's just something I did for an entire year."

I lean back on the seat and stare out the window ahead of me. Rachael had come to the Langs and demanded I come with her to do something fun. She didn't give me a chance to say no or give a bullshit answer, she just came in, grabbed my wallet from my bedroom, threw my sunglasses at me and dragged me out the door without telling me where we were going. "Something fun," was all she told me. Something fun.

I finished Trail to Oregon after coming back from Mt. Prospect. Came home, locked my bedroom door and found my niche. I figured out everything that I hadn't already in that span of forty-eight hours I was in that room. I didn't think seeing my parents, spending that time with Alex, Nicki and Rose was going to help me so much in the writing.

They made me happy. Happy. That word wasn't even in my vocabulary a week ago. Everyone in Starkid is still so hung up on not wanting me here and not forgiving me. But I have my best girls back, the people I got to know more than the people I went to high school with. Rose actually liked me. I have Clark believing in the fact that I'm changing, I have Nick and Matt who are allowing me to write a musical for them and Rachael.

I'm still unsure what to say to Rachael about punching Walker in the face, but she seems to have forgotten it ever happening or has refused to mention it ever again, because she's all smiles right now.

But Rachael doesn't get it. She said that to me, asking me why starring at a blank wall is fun. It's how I dealt with everything, it's how I made it through a year in the hospital, it's how I thought up situations in my head for TTO, and how I reminded myself over and over again what I did so that I knew why I was in that hospital.

I turn to open the door, but Rachael puts her hand on my shoulder.

That simple touch on my shoulder, feeling her hand on me. I don't know how it makes me feel, but I feel my entire body shudder at the touch.

"Alright look," Rachael says. I look at her, still feeling the goosebumps on my entire body. "I know you're still angry or whatever at me because of the whole Walker thing. I didn't break his jaw, by the way. I talked to him, I apologized and we're good now. But you still have no right being angry at me. Because I was defending you."

"By making Walker hate me more. And you."

"He doesn't hate me. He never did. Walker was having a bad day. Fighting with Lauren, dealing with horrible Uber passengers, angry that he still hasn't gotten the script yet from the brothers? And then...seeing you didn't help any of them because it was the first time most of the group had seen you since everything. It was weird for them. It's hard for so many people still even though so many times I've tried to convince the group you're fine, same with Nick, Matt, Alex and Darren. Do you ever hear what we're telling you when we say that we're trying to help you? You don't seem to be helping yourself enough."

"I got Nicki to give me another chance. And I never actually asked for your help, Rach."

"Just because you didn't ask for my help doesn't mean I have no right to help you in any way. You're supposed to be my friend, and I've been trying to help you since you went into that hospital."

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